Hey, just thought I’d share an editor-shot of an environment we’re currently working on but which isn’t quite ready for in-game screenshots yet. I know people were interested in seeing one of the brighter parts of the game.
zomg - what manner of spawn proxy is that behind the windmill?!
Right now it only has basic terrain textures and a couple pieces of set-dress. We will be reworking the wheat sheaf type things since I don’t feel that the texture really matches our style. Most of our effort is still on the necropolis area, which is nearing completion. We’ve also started work on an underground and nearly have the basic tile-set done and working.
Glad you like it! I think it is really more a matter of just listening to feedback and having the judgement to know when things need improvement. Of course, there is also a point where you need to know when to stop. I tend to be an obsessive perfectionist, so sometimes it is hard to stop when I get to that point of diminishing returns. I have to keep myself in check though because there is a lot to get done!
Ironically, this bright happy environment is currently the most deadly part of the game!
That beaten road actually look decent with all the bumpiness! Is there gonna be any vehicle drive by engine? And what is that yellow thing behind the windmill? Is there gonna be monster spawn from the mill blade?
We’ve also started work on an underground and nearly have the basic tile-set done and working.
I’m curious about this and you also mention somewhere about this but not final, can we expect the random dungeon?
Woah. I think I’m gonna need some shades just to pass through that area.
As for the proxy; it looks like a cotton gin monster or a tractor-beast.
Or we could call it “Big Ben”. haha
It has two huge sword arms, either disproportional shoulders or a really long neck, a huge sail looking thing on its back, maybe a meat grinder or something? Long double kneed legs, bipedal, and… that’s about all I can pinpoint.
Oh, I didn’t realize monitor stains APPEAR IN SCREENSHOTS.
It could be a cow, I’ve got a few other ideas of what it could look like, for example, some kind of alternate reality siege strider.(yes the one from TQ)