New Forum FAQ

[b] is now ** or __





[size] is now #



# omnitrio

### omnitrio

##### omnitrio
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Bold face has its own button though @omnitrio

Doesn’t work in threads that were posted before new forums:


[Feedback] Retaliation Drain Essence, performance and overview

The RDAtA line (in the bottom) was colored in red iirc, but it’s white now. You’re lying. :stuck_out_tongue:

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As Medea mentioned works if u highlight. THX!

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how to do this spoiler?

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“Hide details”


hey omnitro

[spoiler]hey omnitro[/spoiler]
Click me for free nude pics on User_Name_01

hey noobs

[details="Click me for free nude pics on User_Name_01"]
hey noobs

You’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new user can create on their first day. Please wait 10 hours before trying again.

SEE YOU GUYS TOMORROW :grava_yes: :pinching_hand:

And you can upload images from your computer or phone, directly, by using the little upload button, at the top of the text box. Like I am going to do here, with a couple of screenshots I just took:


…and a Steam screentshot from the game:

Add images

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Testing. Worked. THX!

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Hey, you got my name right.

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What browser to use on iPhone? New Forum seems to be incompatible with Firefox and Safari. The only way to read posts is to switch to desktop view and scroll left and right every line trying to make out white fonts on the bright background. Please advise.

Also, WHY IS MY NICK CHANGED TO YA1??? It’s actually kinda cool, sounds like JEDI or something, but why? :laughing:

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Because ya0 was already taken. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It was ya_. You got to keep your _s. Why they took my _? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Is it that hard to see? The new forum contains so many lines and underscores that they went short on them and I’ve given them one of mine, therefore my name was USERNAME_01, but Crate appreciated my help so much that they chose to take one off your name (because you’re useless, duh) and gave it to me, and as there’s a 3 characters limit in names, they gave you a “1” to represent your importance in the whole website creation. If not your uselessness and my usefulness, I’d walk here with only one underscore. You’re a hero now.


This made my day. :rofl:

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How to use tapatalk with the new forum???

You can also drag and drop an image into the editor, it will upload it to the server (size limit is 4MB by default) immediately. Buttons are the past :grava_yes:

You don’t need to, just open it in a browser.

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I’m old. I like the past. Buttons are my friends. :woman_white_haired::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Totally agree - buttons forever! :rofl:

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Personally I can’t wait until I can control everything with my mind :thought_balloon: