New Forum Feedback

use ctrl-f or cmd f twice to get the regular search.

Yea, much as I don’t like to admit it, I always resist changes to things that work, but I have put some time into the new forum and it does appear to be more workable than my original rant suggested. The older you get, the less tolerance you have for things that take you out of your “Comfort-Zone”. Just another crazy fact of life :woozy_face:

As a new player, every time I had a question about the game that isn’t answered on the wiki my natural instinct is to go on google and find out what other people have said about it - and every time google would taunt me with a dead link where someone had asked my exact question.

Now a week later I randomly find out through a discord discussion that the old forums are not gone, only the old links are dead, but almost all of the content migrated and is still there if you use the search function to find it???

It would have saved me a lot of frustration if this was stated somewhere in this announcement. This detail is so important it should be in bold letters on the front page.

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I feel your pain. Yes, all content is here and can be found. But people may struggle to find the reason for constant “blank” pages, when they google.

I had my negative feelings about the new forums when they came out, but now after a while I`m pretty used to them. Seems like they are pretty nice after all.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [GrimTools] Build Calculator

Hey, a disgruntled Grim Dawn fan here. I’ll be blunt:

You should fire whoever was in charge of this forum update. All useful information on the forums was made unusable due to breaking all search engine links to old threads. Discourse is an awful, downright unusable, forum software for the twitter generation.

If you experience issues with the new forum, please let us know by using a Group Message.

Your forum suggests messaging Crate_Employee group to give feedback on the forum. How nice, I thought. But to add insult to injury, I actually have no permission to do so! Apparently I have no permission to message anyone in the group.

I hope you understand I’m speaking for the silent majority who aren’t deeply enough invested in your community to let this slide. Sad to see your forums die, I sincerely hope you won’t make mistakes of this caliber in your game design.

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I’m laughing so hard right now.

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I’m really sorry to be rude, because maybe this is again a post where Moderator have to cleanup / do extra work because of the way i react to such nonsense. But i’ve to say, i’d rather stay on an Sinking Ship like Discourse(if this would be even the case), than a share a forum with people of your kind. If discourse means that it drive people away like you, than i’m happy with this choice and fully support crate on this decision.

Oh boy, this day is again a day where such unlikeable individuals show up…

I doubt it. Personally, I’m waiting to see what Zantai has to say about him speaking for “the silent majority”. They always like to say they speak for the silent majority. It never fails.

“Silent majority”, LOL. Man, I wish this forum had support for signatures because I really wanna immortalize that glorious throwaway’s comment in every one of my posts. Pure gold.

Speaking for the “silent majority” is meaningless tautology. I thought Crate is trying to please that majority just like is trying to please the “vocal minority”. And with new game in the future, they certainly felt new forum is needed. And certainly hacker’s attack expedited the process.

Rest assured, the appropriate person(s) and/ or being(s) have been sacked with prejudice!

All done in an effort to make your life as difficult as possible. These devs ruin everything associated with this game so they can make $$$!

As a member of the vocal minority, I thank you for your service!

Oh, they have! These devs are so inept at making a game it makes me cry! One only has to look at the Steam reviews to see this is true!

Only a workaround, but if you search the article your found with your favorite search engine again on the forums (by the thread title), you will certainly find it.

I am not of the twitter generation and like it though - even not considering the better moderation features.

Thank you for pointing this out.

Hate to break it to you, but forum activity and sign ups are up since the transition, and more than double the same time last year.

As always, I am amazed by people’s ability to know everyone else’s opinion.

I’ll get right on firing myself and our lead programmer. Your impassioned cry has convinced us how wrong we are.

Thanks for the report. This has been addressed.


Is there anyway that you can intregate shortcut of most of frequently use text formatting like color, underline, drop down text, text sizes, etc?

The links were broken because the old forum came under serious hacking attacks which meant we lost 18 days of posts/threads and the site repeatedly being unaccessible. The old forum no longer exists except in a Crate vault somewhere so not possible to link to, it’s as simple as that. Linking would leave the new forum open to the hackers gaining access again. Is that what you really want?

If you know the title of the thread simply search for it. If not, then use some keywords to find it.

I think the new forum is awesome and I like using it. Good job guys! :slight_smile:

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