New Forum Feedback

Which is why they say this…

That is because the links point to the old forum. It will be updated soonTM

Ninja’ed by Zantai…

Welcome to the forum. The links to the old forum were broken with the move so until veretragna gets a chance to fix all the compendium links you’ll just have to use the search function. Type in the title of the build you want and hey presto there it will be.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Any possibility to make that blue scroll bar slightly wider Zantai? It’s a bit difficult to grab hold of being so narrow.

Just grab it here:

Yeah, that bit is, but if you want to just click on the top of the scroll bar to go straight to the top or bottom without using that wider bit it’s more difficult. Clicking is also faster if you want to get to the top of a long thread.

Maybe it has already been changed, but I’m able to click 1/4" - 1/2" next to any part of the blue bar and it will still act as if I have clicked the bar and will scroll to that point. Am I misunderstanding?

Just click on the date/time, haha.

Yeah, that works. Thanks Awsumpossum. Was trying to get right on it so the cursor changed from a finger to an arrow.

Just click here or here: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I noticed this feature completely by accident when I randomly clicked over there and it shot me to the top of the page.

I am very apologize for UP some threads today

only what i did it is change the last peply in this threads

is it bug?

i do not reply only change

Evidently if you alter something in the OP it makes the system think it’s worthy of latest status. Something you might want to look at Zantai.

Check here Medea:


See where the cursor is above, over the date/post #? You can actually GRAB and drag from that area with the mouse. Oddly enough it seems that EVEN middle-mouse-click and right-mouse-click is also capable of grabbing and dragging this control element. Weird… but there you have it.



See how my cursor has become a hand pointer in this area above? This entire open section is clickable (NOT draggable tho). You can click almost anywhere along this entire strip to move the timeline to whatever post happens to be at that position.

Using the End button to navigate to the bottom of the, uh, topic, I guess, doesn’t work properly. It jumps almost to the bottom, and then glitches back up a bit. I’m using Firefox, in case it matters, but I suspect not. Page Down works just fine, I think.

I’m not expecting anything to change, but I absolutely loathe infinite scrolling. I don’t like it when a page resizes constantly, and I also don’t like how it can make navigating to a certain point in time harder. It doesn’t seem to be an issue inside topics, but at a quick glance, it did seem like a problem inside categories (or whatever they’re called in this forum software). Might be possible to work around this, but I’m not still fond of this change. Since infinite scrolling has also been around for quite a while in different contexts, I’m fairly sure it’s also not a matter of getting used to it anymore. Oh well…

There’s also something I don’t like about the way the forums look now. I think it has something to do with how there are big, solid colours everywhere. One thing I think are a problem in this regard is how there’s nothing to separate the right-hand topic controls (i.e. the timeline thingy) from the rest of the topic: It’s all the same background colour, and nothing to really separate the two parts. Seems like a popular trend though.

Does the post editor use Markdown or is it just similar? I like Markdown, so the editor seems fine for now. Feels quite cramped though.

Other than that, definitely seems like it’s going to take some time getting used to. It’s not all bad, but I’m not a huge fan either. I’m seen similar developments elsewhere and haven’t been a huge fan.

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I like the new forum (especially keyboard shortcuts, they are great), but I just want pages back, infinite scrolling fucking SUCKS, also I’d like to have an option to make navigation bar at the stop stay at top of page, not at the top of my screen, I don’t need to always see it and if I do I can always just go to the top or just use hotkeys.

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I wouldn’t mind if they had the category selection -

Ji4657DoL9 mdxMGmAgg9

- available at the top of every page.

Of note, it is possible thru the keyboard/search bar to navigate to other categories directly from inside threads. Ctrl + Alt + F or / will open the search bar above:


- then type in the # symbol first in the search field then the beginnings of the category name you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the option you want then hit Enter to go to it.

Alternatively, instead of going directly to it - once your selection is highlighted hit the Tab key instead to auto fill your selection into the search bar, which will then display several of the most recent threads in that category which you can then, again, use the arrow keys to select a topic and go directly to it if you like.

OR instead of selecting one of the threads if none of them catch your eye but you still want to explore the category further just hit Enter to continue to the Advanced Search screen:

- for a full listing plus options to hone it however you wish.

my type account can’t create new tags?

only moderators, praetors?

Trust leve isn’t high enough atm.