New guy

Hey everyone, I picked the game up around 10 days ago. It’s been really fun, I’ve made a battlemage lvl 23 (which wasn’t to my liking) and a Blademaster lvl 33 which is a lot more fun. Kinda wondering what to do now that I’ve completed the quest content that’s been released? I’ve seen some mentions of Steps of Torment being current end game. What level of gear would I be needing for that? Anyways looking forward to replies and hopefully making some new friends! :smiley:

Hello, and welcome to Grim Dawn and its forums!

The Steps of Torment hosts enemies from your level up to level 52 (bear in mind that max player level is 40). While it can be completed at any time, it is best to get to max player level before attempting it so you have more/better skills to work with. You also want to be decently well-geared, with Epic or Rare items/armor (or very good double-magic items), and I’d recommend having completed components in all of your gear as well. Note that SoT is primarily only truly difficult on Veteran Difficulty, and even then only on the lower two floors (though the first three can easily crush you if you’re new! :D).

Personally I think that the Dermapteran Hive is a little more difficult than SoT (again, on Veteran, at least); some agree, some disagree. Being able to farm these two locations consistently identifies your character as being pretty capable.

Welcome to the ice rink you crazy skink! We’ve got loads on zinc for the clink and pink for your stink!