New in 0.9 - 6 wheel carriages :)

Admit that you always wanted a six wheel carriage :upside_down_face:

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Ah, but two of the cartbeds are already full of oxen, so you don’t get much more cargo capacity.

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A carriage needs a lot of…eh oxpower? Maybe it can carry three times as mych in the last cariage? :upside_down_face: :smile:
(I did not photoshop this picture, this is what it looks like when three cariages drive together)

I have not seen this particular configuration before, but on my 0.9 games, I have frequently seen two carts exactly side by side going in the same direction - and both fitting through a city gate that is obviously too narrow for both of them to go through at once!
Unfortunately, it happens so quickly that I haven’t gotten a screenshot of the carts ‘threading the gate’ yet, but I’ll try again tomorrow . . .

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The 4x4 of 0.9 :smile:

Given the number of hooves on t he oxen, it would be more of an 8x4 (hooves x wheels).

Bottom line, by having each cart be a distinct and separate graphic element, we get some strange configurations when they occupy adjacent spaces in any direction!

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