Updated OP with the final version of the build. Everyone thanks for contributing.
I have theorycrafted a lost souls build but haven’t tested it yet:
However, I haven’t make a single successful pet build, so I am looking for ideas myself.
Have you tried to maximize all hellfire and infernal breath? Is it really trash?
Not sure if Void rings are the best since they convert phy to chaos. Unless that is what you were going for, in which case probably needs more Chaos RR.
Both Infernal Breath and Ember Claws are quite good now.
It was because we still have some chaos from hellhound that have not been converted. Well, it may need solael’s witchblade too.
I don’t really like spiritbinder glyph because it doesn’t give any flat damage and bonus to skill we use.
Really good to know! Shame that the set doesn’t give any bonus to ember claw though.
swap for this offhand? https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/8655
Im waiting to see if anyone can build on this since this + rings = 100% conversion to chaos. Also despite low OA you’d get 1 crit from ravenous earth and it’d proc the chaos RR.
I intend to build a conjurer based on it:
The proc might be difficult on a conjurer though, also you missing that sweet chaos damage reap spirit, which also benefit from your chaos rr.
Yeah, but it is pretty much the only way to get 100% phy > chaos conversion on all pets, no?
Also, there is always the ranged version: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNkyaK4V
^Might go for that depending upon how reliable DarkFlame is.
Instead of dreg’s evil eye may be try sigil of consumption or bloody pox? these continous damage ability may crit more often on an aoe and you get a lifesteal out of sigil too. Bind mogdrogen to sigil then shepherd to curse.
A bit too low OA to crit either way :(.
But dmg should be fine even without the extra RR since the build is the same as Chaos Puppy from the Moggy Puppy series, just without the extra Raven.
(And sry Ya, for hijacking the thread :p)
I vote for an additional hellhound
Yeah I sort of had the worry about Vitality RR looking at the new lost souls.
That said, I feel like there wasn’t enough focus on the hellhound from what I can see. Infernal Breath and Ember Claw are both proven to be good.
On top of that, there’s almost no focus on the chaos damage at all in this setup. Especially when it comes to Hellfire not being maxed, which is a GIGANTIC source of damage for skeletons. Topping that off with being able to fit Solaels witchblade or symbol of solael should help that situation, and symbol of solael also has vit RR. But as of now not having chaos RR just seems kinda… meh?
My personal setup that I was gonna test was probably something weird like this: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/D2p4kwy2 – the medal probably could be changed to beastcaller’s but cbf reworking the res right now. I don’t think this would be crucible viable though, and the bleed res on the pets is a concern (there are augments for that in FG, but we don’t have that yet). But the core thing is – don’t just focus on vit dmg, focus on vit AND chaos damage. And get those hellhounds maxed, perhaps drop a few in ember claw if needed. Devotions are something I just wasn’t sure on. Perhaps the heavy vit RR is better, I don’t know. I made this as a template to work to make better mostly, though – just don’t currently have the time to play and get it set up (and I’m not taking it into HC crucible, thats reserved for conjurer)
I think Lost Souls might not be crucible viable, because keeping skeletons alive is annoyingly hard. But I definitely think more experimenting is gonna be needed before we can come to any conclusions. And unfortunately I can’t test much right now , I only really have time to theorycraft recently. Soon, though.
I say remove the double hellhound idea and make it give you a brand new skeleton, better than all the others, that isn’t slow, and is exclusive to this set.
This looks solid. Also, it shows what was wrong with my original op setup. Skeletons don’t work unless there’s huge flat from auras. And in current state of itemization it has to be chaos. Which makes me wonder why there’s nothing compatible with Lost Souls that gives meaningful support to Soul Harvest? Or, at least, why doesn’t it convert some chaos to vitality along with fire and phys?
In some way you’d actually nerf the build since one less hellhound result in devotions triggering less if you bind it to a hellhound.
If it is a pet that has vitality RR then sure.
I had a Lost Souls cabalist pre-patch and honestly its not too different post patch beyond damage going from campain ok to campaign great. But basically everything Theub said. The skeles are still to squishy for crucible but invest in the hellhound, invest in the chaos and chaos rr, and have fun cleaning up in the main campaign.
Presumably this will do well fairly well in the shattered realms too since my understanding is that pets are expendable due to no purchase buffs.
I made a couple of different choices than Theub mostly in the medal and with my devotion capper being mogdrogen instead of dying god but otherwise his to test set up and my final set up are quite similar and since mine works I can say Theub’s theory is on target. His approach hits a bit harder and has a better devotion skeleton proc. I am a bit faster, have more bleed flat damage, and mostly plug the pet bleed resist hole he has.
Yeah, chaos is the best thing to do this with. I think it’s meant to be vit/chaos, particularly because Dying God also gives Chaos damage to allies, and as you said – there’s no conversion.
My experience with pet builds is that it’s generally better to mix at least a couple damage types though. Except when it’s vit/cold because kuba :mad: (even though deathchill is the most godlike relic for leveling pets, seriously holy shit). But basically, you’re less likely to have heavily resistant enemies to all your damage types if you have multiple, and pets have a lot of generic damage scaling that scales all types of damage.
On top of that, getting extra vit RR on the devotion setup is painful, as you probably saw. That vs simply having more procs and chaos RR is just… yeah, it’s not pretty. Not to mention Manticore’s generic RR, which helps for the flat acid from Blood of Dreeg.
So I don’t think converting the chaos is necessarily a good idea, simply because chaos is sort of naturally supported anyways. Your 289% dmg boost to vitality in Dying God also boosts chaos by the same amount. You only have to deal with RR for chaos, and with manticore + solael’s witchblade (and maybe even symbol of solael) you should have plenty of that, since chaos res doesn’t come in high numbers generally.
The one thing I do think could be interesting for the set is adding some ADCtH to the pets on the set bonus somewhere. It’s vitality themed after all – it would make sense, and I’m not fully sure how much this would help, but it would be interesting to experiment with. And I’m thinking a chunky amount of ADCtH, like at least 10%. Could be interesting to see how much that helps pet survivability.
On the soul harvest note: I dunno either. Only time I’ve properly used that skill is as a boost to my beronath DK with gladiator’s distinction. Think maybe adding damage reduction to bone harvest as part of the set bonus would maybe make people invest into it. But at this point I feel like you don’t want all these things to be set bonuses, because then the set is just doing too much on it’s own. Balance is hard.
Instead of cataclysm eye have you tried fiendgaze tombe? that together with rings convert 100% physical into chaos and you get a reap spirit that also does chaos damage, means more damage over all with the RR. And cabalist’s OA can generally support the occasional crit to apply extra -10% chaos resistance. I dont know if it is worth dumping will of the crypt points to some where else and have pure chaos skeletons and vitality hellhound with chaos damage.
Fiendgaze Tome is a bit rough simply because you lose the +1 to occultist. The build I proposed basically completely maximized the skill point usage to the limit. But it is certainly an interesting question, and perhaps with the extra skill points from FG, is doable, especially because you’re not hitting a breakpoint by hitting hellhound to 26 like you were with familiar.