Hi, everyone. My name is wartec77 here on the forums. I am a beginner modder, I am going to make an expanded overhaul and redsign many parts of the base game to be an updated version of the original game I love this game so much I am going to pour thru every single aspect of what I can an cant do with these game modding tools and make new custom classes and item overhauls and new items to make the game even more appealing than it already is this mod will have new areas on the world map and more secret zones and chests scattered around the world. I hope I can win everyone support I will work solo on this mod I hope everyone will like it I will accept any and all bug reports or error report or creation help I can get if it falls in line with the vision I have for the mod though as a rule of thumb I am following an exaggerated power curve version of the devs design style it will be in line with theres only im hoping to work on something that feels like a heavily modifed grim dawn 10 jk jk heres to the hopes I can complete this its gonna take a long time before i release the mod though expect it when I am ready to present it i will post updates on it over time.
The one thing I would recommend is start small and build from there, eg create your first mastery, add items to it and so forth, do not jump into everything at once.
Also, release your mod as it grows, no need to wait for years until you have a ‘final’ version that contains everything you wanted to add.
Speaking of, three months in and no news, so either this is already abandoned without anything to show for or the OP is not following my advice of ‘release early, release often’
ok all here is an update i paid a bud to update and fuse two mod completely dawn of masteries and grimarillion i hope u guys like the mod 3 new classes in the mod will be the undead which replaces barbarian and then engeineer and guntank i hope yall like the mod over haul it will have a loot overhaul to where all the loot and comps and other possbile items u can get from shop being droppable loot inculding affixed and suffixed gear and all comps even the 12 and 44 k comps in the special shops woot. i asked my bud to call mod dawn of grimarillion this is a possible name but we might come up with better. ill let u guys know ty sorry for the long w8 it should be down in 2 or 5 months i think or less.
hey crate enter tain ment how much would it cost to add some mod classes form dawn of masteries comps and items from othe games including the stash overhaul from u guys i can save up ten k or or 100k or 1million and pay u guys once i have it
You are most certainly right…to a certain degree. I wont be using all kinds of mods as I do not have permission. As of now I have permission for just two mods that I have been working on.