New Mod Missing Expansion Classes


Still new to modding; created a new one using the tutorial, I edited:

  1. Number of devotion points per shrine
  2. Attribute and skill points per level
  3. Devotion point and run speed max cap

Unfortunately, when I started a new game and gained my first level, I was only able to select base game classes (no option for inquisitor, etc.) Is it a setting I need to change somewhere to allow the expansion classes too?

Oh, and I do own the expansions.

Thank you!

Sounds like you used a wrong / the base dbr file rather than the one from FG

How would I go about locating the correct DBR file? Would I need to replace all of the other records I edited for devotion, skills, etc.?

Edit: I just read the site modding guide; unless I skipped the one that comes with the game, I didn’t know I had to include the other expansions in additional browse and source directories; I’ll give those a try first. Thank you!

This is on a file by file basis, so I do not know what you need to replace and what can stay.

Generally speaking, if the dbr entry exists in FG, you want that one. If it does not exist in FG but in AoM, you want the AoM one. Only if it exists in enither expansion do you want the vanilla dbr file.

I copy AoM over vanilla and FG over both to avoid having to search in different places