New off-hand

The thing I can’t deal with is that 724 spirit requirement, bloody off hands, try to get there with a soldier build. Kind of difficult to include dryad and crane in the devotion setup, but I also don’t want to put 40 points in spirit. Meh.

Really great pants or Tanquil Pants are mandatory unfortunately.

I wonder if Dryad + Ulcama can be an option for a vitality variation of the build. I’ve never tried those 2 constellations.

I use tranquil mind pants on all my physical casters, it’s true. But even with that 100 spirit and -20% requirements it’s painful. I think I’m giving up on this idea for a while, maybe some other solution will appear (doubt it though).

I’ve tried this quickly:
This is soooo bad.

I’ve a last one in store to try (Tactician), I’ll let you know the results but I don’t have high hopes.

Last try with Storm Box Tactician. A bit better than the other tries but bad nonetheless.

Are you interested to try the chaos/IT hybrid that I posted earlier? It has over 100% physical RR and some decent Chaos AA.

Or you think it is pointless?

I think that, unfortunately, this off hand requires too much spirit to use it with soldier. There’s just not enough and putting 30+ points in there is a waste of good physique or cunning. Might try with oathkeeper + something later but I’m kind of done with this, too many theorycrafting failures.

No, I just thought you were about to try it :slight_smile: I can give it a shot this week if you’d like.

Where can you get good %physical / IT damage other than Soldier ? I think this is the main issue of this off-hand. Plus the fact that armor mechanics negates a lot more damage than other damage types. I’ve tried dozens of physical battlemage set-ups before FG. I think the archetype (except full spellscourge) is inherently destined to fail.

Please do give it a test.

It needs a little clean-up (remove skill pt in Menhir, for one). It might be better with Barbaros pants for more OA and IT but less armor.

I’m curious to see how well the IT stacks can carry it with the AA as a finisher.

This is what I tried:

Too squishy, some mana regen problem and too many buttons. Kra’vall and Lokarr just rekt me :frowning:

I think the whole design concept of Inashkor is a dead end.