New, Old? Moderator

You’d start to think we’d do this to get rid of whatshisname

Who is whatshisname?

I’m glad the Squid and Yerk are mods :slight_smile:

Congrats, fathersquid, welcome to the team!

Second that, and check your UserCP/Groups, Father Squid.

Thanks, and I did.

@veggie - We just can’t tell - it’s sort of like Harry Potter where you can’t say the person’s name because they might hear you and show up…

Can you send me a PM stating said person’s name. I just really want to know =/

Congrats yerkyerk, jiaco, and fathersquid! Good to see you guys already over here. :slight_smile:


Gratz on the mod position.

Congratulations on the position Father Squid!

and only 2730 posts?!?!? tsk tsk tsk, I kid :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait, why isn’t soul a mod/admin?

Because Soul hasn’t sold his yet.


Is that the only requirement? If so, it’s probably the best I’d get for mine (I’m an accountant).

Accountant? I’ll give you about tree fiddy for it.

Only speculation, but it’s probably more of a conflict of interest type situation. Would you make someone who may or may not write third-party software for your videogame a moderator on your forums? The answer is most likely no. :slight_smile: Not something I would take personally either way. :wink:
