So… i bought a new PC a few months ago and have been on a break from Grim Dawn,
and today i thought i should play some old characters.
I’m using the OLD drives from my previous PC and they got all the games still installed
so i didn’t need to re-install anything. But when i start up the game it’s like i have never
played the game ever… i’m met with a blank char register…
I tried doing a full filecheck and i looked up the steamcloud save and it’s barely touched.
so WTF !?. I had almost 1700 hours invested in countless characters and tons of sets.
look the right places
if you say you have the old drives then the saves are physically on those drives, that simple
just do a system search for your character name if you didn’t use default save save locations
default save locations are:
^this is steam cloud location, and game save location when steam cloud is on in game
C:\Users\name\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save
^this is local saves location when cloud is off in game
*sometimes Onedrive hijacks this local folder and so it will be in your onedrive folder with the same end path
you only have steam cloud files stored in the actual cloud if you have cloud on both in game and in steam settings
He said your old drives. Of course they won’t be on the new one.
What you should have done is back up the saves on to an external drive of some kind like a USB key and then you can simply paste them into the default location on the new PC.
C is merely the default install path/name of the first drive windows detects and creates
your saves will be in the same path on the old drive that used to be C if you used local saves (documents/my games save path)
if you used cloud saves they will be whereever your old steam install path was
they will be in those folders regardless of the drive, you just need to go to the path manually if you renamed that old drive to D or E or something
Save data is, by default, stored in C:Users/USERNAME/Documents/My Games/Grim Dawn, unless you manually changed where your system stores user data.
This is a directory where many games store saves. If your C drive is new, then you have not actually transferred this data to the new system. If your old C drive is now a storage drive on your new PC, then you need to find that same directory on the old drive and move the data over.
If you formatted it, then I’m afraid you erased it.
^this is steam cloud location, and game save location when steam cloud is on in game
-change it from C to whatever drive you have steam on from old drive, it will still be in the steam user data folder
as example mine looks like this: E:\Steam\userdata\“your numbers”\219990\remote\save
C:\Users\name\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save
^this is local saves location when cloud is off in game
-change it from C to whatever drive you had windows/documents folder on before, it will still be in the old documents folder if you had cloud off in game
I have looked through all paths and i can’t find a single GD savefile…
Not even in E:\Steam\userdata\“your numbers”\219990\remote\save
The reason for a CLOUD save is because it’s saved somewhere else than your PC,
so why can’t i access the stored files in the cloud, and why does it say187Kb from 1700 hours played !?.
only way for them not to be there is if you wiped it from the original drive
saves are stored locally on your harddrive
and unless you change them manually they are only ever stored in the 2 paths above, depending on whether you have cloud on or off ingame
you need steam cloud on in steam settings and ingame settings for that to work - if you didn’t, or never synced your saves to cloud, then there are no saves in steam cloud
are you sure you’re looking in the right cloud location then?
i know GD saves aren’t big, but 187kb sounds as if there was almost never stored a single character on that steam account
this is the size of a single character i have in steam cloud storage
It appears that eventho my game and steam was set to cloudsave on steam,
all saves are gone and my 1600+ hours of characters, farming full sets etc etc is toast…
i mean
you must have done “something”
i know it doesn’t really help
either you wiped the saves from the old drive and/or never actually uploaded to cloud, or they should be there,
or you didn’t actually have cloud save on in both places, or they should be there
i’ve heard of steam cloud downloading old saves “syncing wrong”; or not uploading to cloud/not syncing at all, but i don’t remember hearing about Steam actually deleting saves stored in cloud
have you tried doing a (complete) drive search for your character? just by name? on the old drive(s) you had grim dawn, steam and windows installed on?
It’s pretty much a lost cause and my saved 1700 hours are gone.
The previous C: drive was formated to be used as a 3rd gamedrive
and since i had seen GD syncing several times with the cloud, i didn’t even consider
to backup my GD save, i assumed the saves was backed up…
Sadly it appears i was wrong. So… GD is now a passed pleasure and i most likely
will never play again… i simply lost too much.