New Player Knowledge Compendium

Like I mentioned previously, Nightmare’s Cabalist is really good without needing literally ANY farmed gear. I posted a quick leveling guide for that here. I’m currently level 89, starting out in Ultimate, after completing literally every quest/challenge dungeon/etc. on Veteran and Elite. Only real problem was getting wrecked by Kubacabra over and over again (did kill him though!), but he’s a pain for most anyway. Other than that, almost no deaths and haven’t run into any walls (except Mad Queen on Elite that I tried early on; was easy on Veteran but on Elite she kept leeching to full life even with me kiting).

For elemental based, I don’t know of any guide, but you can make most things work into mid-Elite if you’re specced properly. JoV’s Meteor build would probably work (obviously better with specific gear, but just focus on the general stats he mentions and it should be OK in Elite).