New PRM feedback (Invoker + custom Elemental Mage Hunters)

Well no, it actually means dual pistols is the most consistent way to play it! :stuck_out_tongue:


And that is why when I switched to gun + offhand it was better. Sadā€¦

I think you want dual pistols and then another pair of dual pistols on the swap in case you run out of prm ammo

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2h+helmet/pistol + offhand on 2 casts, on the 3rd casts you weapon swap to dual pistols, swap back, rinse repeat

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Yeah, I think youā€™ve done a few PRM builds over the years - thatā€™s why I popped that picture up as a reference. :smile:

Personally, I like having my casters hold a pistol (when the build supports it). When you run out of power you better have a backup plan! Stay strapped or get clapped!


For having PRM stink up the place with itā€™s performance, itā€™s nice that it got some ā€œnitrous horse hormonesā€ injected into it. Judging by the builds popping up on the public test forum PRM now looks like this (and itā€™s a good thing!):


That makes two of us. :sunglasses:


That thread pretty much kills the ā€œbut muh prm wd argumentā€ :person_shrugging:

the wd still contributes to extra leech even if you lose the wd dmg 40% of the time :smile:

so you still gonna be stacking it even after that revelation? You dirty cronley criminal :scorv:

But you stack the ADCtH primarily not the WDā€¦ It is like pulsing shard + amulet for AAR.

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ye, i was never onboard the sigillis train for the dmg remember, it was always about them heals for coward comfy, feel like i mentioned that once or thrice? :sweat_smile:
*the wd just adds another 3-4% leech (11x0.3)


In summary, if everyone just accepted Iā€™m right and they are wrong - life would be good!



nah, donā€™t ā€œ/threadā€ my thread with your incorrect generalization, please

Youā€™re so denseā€¦ Itā€™s not about balance or optimal builds or whatever. Itā€™s about not screwing up existing builds people have.
And Iā€™m not insisting on anything. I donā€™t have the hood, I have no choice. This works, if you screw it over because you have better items my build is ruined. How can you not understand something simple as that? Must be your experience :older_man:

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Item redesigns only happen as a last resort when all other options have failed. Arcanum Sigillis does not fall in that category. It is functional for its purpose and could maybe use a small bump at best.


First of all, cool off with getting personal here. You come into my thread with inconherent babble of an argument and pretty vague understanding of how endgame works and balanced, vehemently defending your weapon damage prm (that doesnā€™t even work properly as it turned out). You donā€™t do any tests, you are not even playing this test patch, you ignore all of my proof and you are calling me ā€œdenseā€

That sounds like a you problem. Game is not balanced around that. Historically items and even whole sets have been redesigned and changed and sometimes outright removed from the game.

Itā€™s good to have some and not speak out of your ass using ā€œbut muh blue items fun buildā€ as an argument.

That would definitely help.

Good job missing the point for the umpteenth time. :ok_hand:

Plugged this in quick to test double gun flat PRM stacking

Tooltip is about 90-95% of invoker+wand but with much less RR as youā€™re true elemental and canā€™t take individual RR, landing back with the same old elemental problem that even buffed hylian + crab + sage + seru canā€™t overcome. May be a little juice to squeeze if you went ultos instead since %RR would have some value here, but donā€™t see it bridging the gap.

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Some additional quick feedback

  • Played leeā€™s invoker MH, feels great. AoE is really strong, although not automatically since you have to shoot a bit, while the previous anemic single target is not longer a problem
  • Toying around with proper elemental MH with wand and tome of names, has much more potential than the gun setups. Seems like the only thing PRM gun is bringing right now is tank. Which may be okay! Sounds like multiple people enjoy that. My request there would be to pull the elemental flat off of Fire Strike mod and move it to the gun. Has low base already, youā€™re adding weapon damage, but itā€™s basically tiny.

Now the big thing, which I believe was raised in the initial PRM results shown: holy ridiculous shotgun mechanic potential. It didnā€™t come up super often when I tested quick, but I imagine with practice you could get it more. I saw Kuba get deleted in under 2 seconds from full health, just gone like a trash mob. Passthrough primal strike wishes it could have this level of destruction. I donā€™t know what the right answer on this will be. Will test more and see how hard it is to setup, or if itā€™s just fluky. It needs some of that sharding to keep damage up, but when the stars align itā€™s busted as shit

edit: shotgun example