New Stash

While there are several stashes, all good in there way.
Is anybody thinking of making a Vault like Bman’s?
A stash like Yohann’s for Diablo2?
I like to have it so you can pages for individual characters, plugins, and sets. As it too messy.
Just curious.

I think mine is closest, except that I do not actually force you to place the items in the various tabs and rearrange them based on whatever sort logic you use to decide which items goes on what tab.

I consider that an improvement :wink:

A stash like Yohann’s for Diablo2?

too early to tell, not sure what the mod tools allow in that regard, I hope one is getting made

And I’d like one PlugY style! :smiley:

Mamba, thanks for your stash. I have it downloaded and use it to some degree However, I still have mules for blue, green, yellow and miscellaneous. Just like to also save parts to make future character. Each to it own pages
I’m one of the biggest junk collectors of all times.

Mamba, no offence, but I’ll take tqvault over your java database thing any day of the week. I’m one of those people who takes 10 seconds (or more) to rearrange his inventory, just to fill up those odd few empty squares before heading to town to sell. And I also like to collect all kinds of garbage, in various colors and collections. One all encompassing database is just too… organised.

Using GDstash as we speak

well, I can spawn smuggler npcs and shops at will now, so that should help.

And apart from minor extensions to the placeable area any stashes, inventories etc can not be extended in a serious fashion. that much i can tell with certainty and believe no one will prove me wrong.
no scrollbars, no list elements, everything ui is in the engine, new fields are impossible. lua only offers notify,a cheap print, … so no ui scripting whatsoever.
at least until v1004.

No scrollbars is one thing, what about more pages / pages for the char stash ?

the no new buttons/functions is at play there, you cannot add functions to the buttons, the db entries are merely layout data, and any entry which is defined can be moved and edited like layout, but that is it.

you can make larger pages, and arguably smaller icons, but the end result is still very similar to what we have now. In my opinion not worth the effort.
I will just store my less desireable items with gdstash or write them down and make new if i care.

I’d have really liked interactive lua scripting for ui, querying data from the engine and lots more. Making listview inventory and elaborate gameplay mechanics, this may happen, maybe, though not in v1004 i guess.

We really do need logging to file enabled via ini.

As is makes any scripting an exercise in futility. I am fairly well off with my experience and tools, but anyone which lacks that cannot reasonably create proper scripts in a decent timely fashion. Not to mention large scripts.
Especially beginners can forget doing that until this changes, and semi-professionals need an external checker tool for the lua syntax to play it safe.

But for now I will be happy that I can finally spawn any nemesis, working out a few quirks and any monster i want can be placed near anywhere, finally.
Now on to yet another night with not enough sleep, sigh.

Would it be possible to have more than one stash and select them through conversation? Or maybe keep several stash files and rename them using lua script so you can choose which one to load?

That requires file system access via LUA