New to game/Forums and Some QoL Suggestions I have

Hiya! I just bought this game a week ago and I love it! But I have noticed some things that would make this game more enjoyable for me at least.

**Note: I have worked 3 towns thus far…First town I got to Tier 3, I believe way too fast. Then I ran into graphics issues to the point my game just kept freezing up on me and I could no longer barely move. How is it that when I can play Anno 1800 on the graphics card I have now (Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060) with 40.0 GB (39.8 GB usable) Installed Ram, And I can play it with Ultra Settings enabled on it, way better than I can this game ???

Second town I got to Tier 2, Once again…I believe I got there too fast, but ran out of the Tools given in the Pioneer startup. Not sure how they even managed to keep on building my Tier 2 buildings but I quit that game because it didn’t feel realistic that they could keep on building without a single tool.

Third town I just started last night and had just reached Tier 2 before I needed some sleep. Was out of Tools, once again, but got lucky and 2 Traders arrived right before I closed the game and 1 of them was selling Tools. Albeit only 46. So, not sure how long those will last.

I would like to add in my list of QoL suggestions. *PS: Some of my QoL Suggestions I copied from other posts/reworded to my own wording.

  • A Mini Map (100 stars for this one)

  • Desirability affecting Buildings: show AOE circle (like eg. Market does)

  • Display “what items” can’t be stored in notification “Villagers are unable to find store space"

  • Add in an option to turn off Weather Effects. The only weather effects that really cause my computer problems is the Lightning Bolts. For some reason they cause my computer to lag or freeze up. I have lowered most settings already and still causes me problems.

  • Move Weapons to Tier 2??? Not all Traders are selling Weapons and I ran out of the tools provided under the Pioneer Starting option in 2 of my Towns. Had 6 Traders come through in my third towns’ Trading Post before I was finally able to buy some more Tools.

  • Add in the option to Turn off Edge Scrolling (no need to have it always on and also have the ability to move using keys at the same time)

  • Jump to next building button for all buildings except…houses, town center and trading post

  • Make all the natural resources moveable like the blueberry bushes are

  • Bridges

  • A way to mark Resources you have found on the map

  • The ability to Place orders for goods through the Traders

  • Nut trees added for planting in Arborist building

  • Field rot needs to be addressed like…yesterday. Field workers refuse to collect the crops and just wander around. So many crops go to waste so easily because of this.

  • Automate building repairs instead of having to click every building to repair it.

  • A shortcut/keybind for Cobbled Road

  • Firefighters ???

That’s all I can think of at this moment. I will come back and edit this post if I find anything else to add to the list.


Welcome to the forum and to the game.

Mini map has been suggested several times. Whether we’ll get one somewhere down the line …

When you place something that adds or diminishes desirability you should see the percentages of the buildings affected going up or down.

The next patch will add the option to move to the next building of the same type.

As for bridges

Placing orders with traders for a premium price will be coming at some point.

Did you reduce the number of farmers you have working in your fields? Fence the fields off without providing a gate for farmers to enter/exit through?

So long as you have enough labourers/builders and they’re not doing other jobs they will repair buildings automatically. For housing make sure you haven’t switched off the auto upgrade in the top right of the screen.

As for tools, your villagers can still build stuff without them, but having tools makes the work go quicker.

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A gtx2060 has 6 or 8 gig vram depending on which model. Not sure where the 40vram number comes from. Maybe your PC ddr4 ram. This game is heavily CPU bound it seems so that would be important to know This game is currently going through optimization, however it’s on a significantly newer plant form and we should not assume performance will equal annos engine for a multitude of reasons.

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And yes I have 40 gb of ddr4 ram

Intel(R) Core™ i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz (updated)

I hope I provided what you needed in order to know what is causing my problems with getting above 500 people in my towns (that’s when the game starts stuttering on me), and what causes the Lightning Bolts to cause my game to freeze up for around 15 seconds. I have yet to crash, but I can no longer play either once the combination of both cause my game to completely freeze up. I have to CTRL+ALT+DELETE to close the game then.

Ty for the insight into the future of the game as well as some tips on it.

I first let the game auto assign a worker to all jobs and I increase workers for jobs as I see they are needed. Am I supposed to put a fence around my fields???

Your PC parts are decent but are aged. For a reference I run a 10600k and 3080 and still have some stuttering in game and have to slow the speed down during certain events like raids when demand becomes high. Unfortunately the i5 8 series is a little lack luster to be playing on high graphic settings for this game. FF has tons of textures. Turning off weather, graphics to medium or low and turning off the grass foliage should help and it will still look good imo. The game is also going through optimization though and so you should see some future improvement.

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I believe tools only speed up the work a villager is doing. You can still do all the tasks required without any tools, just more slowly.

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Auto-assign is usually sufficient for fields, you can see how many workers will be assigned when drawing the size of the field when placing it.

Fencing, (or low stone walls) your fields off and remembering to add a gate will prevent animals from grazing on your crops. Just be sure to add a gate, lest your villagers perish in a field as they cannot escape.

With the hardware stuff as others have said, it’s an EA game, it will receive additional optimisation to make it run more efficiently as time goes on. There was an optimisation patch already, earlier this year or late last I cannot remember. That patch has greatly improved the performance already. Try turning down the graphical settings a little bit and you should see improvement.

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Is there a setting to turn off the weather??? If so I don’t recall seeing it. Please advise.

And tyvm to everyone who is responding and trying to help me have a better gaming experience with this game :smiley:

No, you don’t have to, but sometimes players put a fence up and forget to add a gate so farmers are trapped in the fields and can’t get out so can’t move food into storage and they’ll eventually die.

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These are great ideas. I also think that gardens should supply a small amount of food. Or they can grow their own herbs when you upgrade them. I would love to see a function for the pretty gardens other than increasing value to the area.

I wouldn’t have complained about this if u didn’t mentioned it all, completely agree. But before fixing all these things they first need to fix the damn FPS drop after tier 3, like do i really need to buy a 4090 card for this plus RAM, i have a 3070 and after 25 houses on the same spot the fps drops to the point i cant even move the cursor properly, have to even pause the game to able to move the cursor where i want it. Also I would add some other stuff they could put in work, i believe they need to reduce or improve the Iron consumption of the town in general, like i need to build 5 Foundries and 3 Blacksmith to be able to have enough iron to make tools and melee weapons because the damn blacksmith consumes a lot of it just to make 1 heavy tool which also lasts too short, the game is very unbalanced when it comes to material production,Also the foundries require like full capacity of workers just to produce the iron and gold lingots fast enough to use it, im telling you I have 380 villagers and 30 of them are assigned to foundries, not to mention that Defense Towers also needs 2 workers to be able to kill raiders at that point of the game and you need like 20 towers in the town to be able to defend your town from a big crowded raid which also consumes a lot of monthly gold , idk a lot of things need to be fixed. Im impatiently waiting for that big update coming in like 2025 i guess

Totally agree @Carol_Britt .

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