New to modding, couple questions before I start

So, as the title states I am new to modding, never dove into it before on any game, but I would like to try my hand in it with Grim Dawn. However, before I begin and dive in head first, I wanted to ask some of you who have more experience with modding and have seen the GD tools already if what I have in mind would be achievable. Because, if it isn’t, I’ll have to come up with some other ideas to work on.

What I would like to do is just add a few things into the game that I felt it was lacking a little bit. The first thing being increasing the level cap to 99, with massive amounts of experience needed to reach that goal. Secondly, I’ve always felt like the faction rewards were pretty lackluster, so what I’d like to do is create a series of new items (weapons, armor), probably legendary, that would be among the most powerful items in the game into the faction rewards for Revered. But, since these items will be very powerful, my plan is to make them very expensive (something like 2.5-3 million Iron Bits per item). Lastly, because it does take a long time to farm up Iron Bits, I was thinking of adding in an item that would have a chance to drop from Nemesis bosses on Ultimate (like a Golden Idol or something along those lines) that would be worth around 250K iron bits. I feel something like that would help give direction and a clear place to go for farming iron to obtain your faction rewards.

So that’s basically what I had in mind. My question is, are these things doable to the extent I explained? Are they something a devoted novice could learn after many hours of learning and trial and error? Or should I stick to something less complicated and move up from there? Thanks in advance for any feedback!

All doable. But if you scal leveling to 99 don’t forget monsters scale with you, and they’ll become much stronger than the equipment currently available can deal with.

You might want to make sure some areas don’t scale monsters beyond like, lvl 91.

That’s interesting, there’s a mod which has increased the level to 500 around here, I wonder just how difficult that gets with level 75 items.

PS: Why do I know you? I recognise your UN, but I can’t think where from.

Torchlight 2 forums? And I did them solid by writing what is rated the most highly voted “helpful” metacritic review. (Which I have since substantially changed my opinion about lol)

I’ve trolled league of legends for years. I’ve been using this UN for 11 years. It’s also my steam name. And I’m working on Project Cornucopia with Ceno, our GD mod. I’ve been a gamer for a long time, you could know me from anywhere really.

Yea it really could be anywhere, but you know when you see a user and it just feels right that you trust what they say, that’s how I thought of you, and I couldn’t think why.

I had to ask, not that you would actually know why I know you, it is an odd question to put to a stranger on the web. But thanks :slight_smile:

Ah, I hadn’t considered that contingency lol. Well, I think it’ll be okay because the faction gear I planned on making was going to be pretty powerful (and don’t think I mentioned it, but I was going to make the level requirements 85). Perhaps once I get everything figured out and start making and testing this, I can look into adding even better gear if monsters in the high 90’s are too difficult. Thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear this is all doable.

That’s because I’m a pretty cool guy! Eehehehehehehehrhurrrhrurrreheururrrrrr :rolleyes:

But no seriously you probably do recognize me from somewhere. I’ve been getting that from time to time and it’s delightful. Your comment is sweet, made my day. Your name doesn’t ring a bell… well Nomad does.

Trust me. The scaling in the current meta gets rough. Not for trash mobs, but bosses. Some nemesi will end up nightmarish. Could be fun though :D.

Nemesis are already pretty hard but not hard enough!

Perhaps I’ll see about halting the Nemesis scaling if things get too insane. All things I’ll take into consideration down the road :slight_smile: