Hi all, I’m pretty new to programming in general, as well to modding. I think I have a pretty basic understanding on how to use skill templates. My question is how do I go about making my own template, I want to make a shapeshifter and I don’t believe any of the templates would facilitate this need. Any help is appreciated!
You can’t make a shapeshifter.
In general, template modifications will not work. The ones that do work are features that the game already has and moved from one template to another. Shapeshifting isn’t one of them.
Yeah for sure, I was wondering if it’s possible to make new templates to do what I’m trying to do. Or am I not able to mess with programming, only scripting?
when i asked about shapeshifting i was told GD couldn’t handle that because it couldn’t do “animation changes on the fly”, unsure what the technical reason behind it is,
but guessing that’s why we don’t have in vanilla game or ex Werebear/Wolf transform in RoT mod
Oh good to know there’s a game engine limitation. Thanks for the heads up!
Any chance there is a discord server that kidders frequent?
unsure what kidders are, typo of modders?
but there is the grim dawn discord Grim Dawn which has a channel for modding, where some experienced people pop in once in a while
Templates basically translate things we can understand onto something the engine can understand, creating a template with made up variables the engine doesn’t comprehend will do nothing.
You won’t get anywhere for skill creation with scripting. Shapeshifting is just not in the cards for this game.
If you have other things to script sure, like spawning enemies or creating special npcs to convert items in bulk or something but if you’re wanting to make skills for a new class you don’t need to do any scripting.
I spent a fair bit of time going down this rabbit hole since making this thread, titan quest forums and all of the developers replied forums. I appreciate your patients, as I see you have answered this question quite a few times.