New! With Questions!

Hello Grim Dawn Forum!
I’m a huge fan of the Hack-N-Slash Action RPG genre. I play and own the Diablo series, Torchlight series, Titan Quest Gold, and Divine Divinity.
Every game that looks promising in the genre is in my gaming library or is being targeted into my collection.
I heard about Grim Dawn for a long time but decided to join the forums today because of the facebook news of alpha.
I’m highly interested in purchasing the Grim Dawn Loyalist Edition at the moment but I’m still contemplating on which set to pick.
This game has me sold from it’s graphics looking great, rotating camera, factions and being an open world RPG so don’t worry I’m going to buy it.

I have some questions for the developers, employees, or mad fans with the answers in this post:
#1. Will there be avatar customization and different body types to choose from?
This game looks great and I look forward to playing a game like this for a long time. In other ARPG you would have to choose a certain class to recieve a body type and that felt dull because everyone in your class would share your body structure. I think adding this feature would add more flavors into the game and it’s something I would like to see. Titan Quest for example, everyone who was a male player shared the same model and that was really dull.
#2. Will you be able to choose your HUD?
I’ve noticed the old Titan Quest HUD in some of the earlier photos of Grim Dawn and I’ve seen the new one. I think it’d be great if we could choose our preferences in HUD.
#3. Where would the camera controls be located and will you be able to move it in battle?
I think it would be weird to have camera controls on the directions keys so key binding would be nice or using the WASD would be nice because we’ll have faster access next to our number skills.

Those are my questions and thoughts underneath them.
I would like to know what you all think about my thoughts and agree with them or not so please post them.

1st Hello

#1. Will there be avatar customization and different body types to choose from?
This game looks great and I look forward to playing a game like this for a long time. In other ARPG you would have to choose a certain class to recieve a body type and that felt dull because everyone in your class would share your body structure. I think adding this feature would add more flavors into the game and it’s something I would like to see. Titan Quest for example, everyone who was a male player shared the same model and that was really dull.
You will have the choice between male and female, to confirm maybe an on/off option on helmet and haircut (or wigs). Of course as TQ your equipment will modify your appearance. No “body type” have been confirmed yet, and I don’t know if it’s easy to implement (IMHO really easy to do in 3D, it’s just some vertex to shrink/expand, but it may be hard to add this on TQ engine).

#2. Will you be able to choose your HUD?
I’ve noticed the old Titan Quest HUD in some of the earlier photos of Grim Dawn and I’ve seen the new one. I think it’d be great if we could choose our preferences in HUD.
I don’t know, but should be relatively modable anyway.

#3. Where would the camera controls be located and will you be able to move it in battle?
I think it would be weird to have camera controls on the directions keys so key binding would be nice or using the WASD would be nice because we’ll have faster access next to our number skills.
Camera control is optional, and even if you want to use them and don’t like the default keys, every keys should be rebindable.