Hey there,
I’ve been muddling along with a necromancer, and things are working for now, but I have a few questions. For reference, this is the build so far:
(will put the grimtools link back in when the forum lets me. it’s calc/mN4ye052 after the usual bit) https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN4ye052
I’m intending to go back to cruicible after I’ve picked up 2 more devotion shrines and finished veteran. Pure necro till 100 is just because I want a personal challenge. (And not at all down to decision paralysis cough) Intending to pick up blizzard with the last points.
So, build questions-
- Is there an optimal way to assign active devotion powers to pets? I have two pets from items that I’m aiming to replace with high level gear sourced pets.
- How does -DA -RR and -%RR work in terms of stacking? One of the reasons I dropped scorpion because the necro pet’s aura has -DA and as I understand it that won’t stack. Is this correct, or am I supposed to be having both?
- How do pets that scale of player bonuses work? Should I be avoiding them as a build running things that “buff all pets”?
- Are there any major issues I need to fix by gladiator? eg “you need x amount of -RR or your pets wont be doing damage vs Mr. Annoying, and you don’t currently have that”
- Is there any gear I should try and pick up before 100 to help the build along? Most of her gear hasn’t changed much in a while.