Newbie is stuck in the Warden's basement

Trying to get to the laboratory. As far as I can tell I have to get through one of two gates. :furious: I have tried everything I can think of but I can’t get them open. Do I need a key or something?

I am not sure if I understand at which point on the map you are stuck and why.
You do not need any key in any of the Warden’s Cellar areas though.
And the gates (ones that are closed but can be opened) that I can think of in those areas are those that lead to the room where the Warden himself resides.

Therefore I think that you maybe are not talking about a door at all.
Judging from your description I guess that you are talking about some metal bar gates that cannot be opened at all. Right?
If that’s the case - those are only static objects of the environment, there is another way to where you have to go, so look around a little more.

Or maybe depravated sanctuary? To get into this place you’ll need “strange key”, but that’s not the laboratory.

The Laboratory is located at Burwitch states.


I have spent several hours searching for that “other way”. Could you provide a hint?

a bit more than a hint, but it should help

I’m curious if the OP is even opening the map in-game (press M) to have a closer look. You should easily be able to see where you need to go.

There are no locked doors down there except for the Wardens (and it is merely closed, not locked).

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I finally got through the gates and killed the Warden. What a slog! The map you put in the URL will be much help in the future.

All I can think is that I was not high enough level to get through before.

Thanks for all the help guys!

Now can you tell me what the broken knife that appears over my head in a battle signifies?

It’s a debuff, probably reducing your attack. Broken Armor reduces your defenses. There are no level-restricted areas in the game, the map is randomly generated, so when you come back there might be a different exit out of the room, but there are always exits. All you have to do is figure out what room square connects to an external room square on your map, and find a breakable wall, breakable door, etc in your way.

No, its not… Grim Dawn has a static map that is allways the same…

True. To expand upon that, while the maps are static they do contain pseudo-random elements which manifest as blockages in your path that randomly switch up every session. The “pseudo” part becomes apparent once you realize that it only alternates between a few to several set “random” spots in any given area.

Once you’ve been thru an area enough times you will have seen them all and know what to expect.

@OP - No areas in the game are level locked and certainly no doors. At worst, if you aren’t strong enough to kill some few bosses in your path (if you attempt to rush thru areas stronger than you) you may become stuck until you can take on the challenge before you.

A possible scenario you could encounter as an example would be Cronley, who you will likely be meeting before too much longer if you haven’t already.

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Yup, Cronley just killed me for the first time…

So if something blocks your way I should log out and come back?

Another question: often two rooms on the map seem to have a connection except that the have a double white line blocking the connection and when you get there, there is no door. WTF?

no, the blocks are never placed in a way that actually blocks off an area, you only need to find a different path to get there

Another question: often two rooms on the map seem to have a connection except that the have a double white line blocking the connection and when you get there, there is no door. WTF?

I assume you are talking about the random blocks here, but those should be shown on the map