Your Final March boots have lowest phys res roll possible why Windshears have highest phys res roll. Actual difference is 1% physical resist. Plus your Trap res is covered from Shadow Dance and your gloves. And as Alkamoshater said, slow res is crucial to melee survival.
About Pants comparison, again, on min-maxed setups Arcane Harmony pants are ahead. For your setup that already has a lot of DA Great Pants might be better. Although I wouldn’t ever trade that Disrupt res on my melee Belgo for anything that any other pants can offer.
Blade spirit hits once a second, consistently, in a guaranteed AoE, and you get two of them. It’s no contest compared to WPS. RoS is for things like Living Shadows, where you’re not getting more than one every 3-4 seconds and consistency is important.
Wait, devotion skill casts as soon as Blade Spirit hits and not when we cast it?
Also Living Shadows proc only on critical attack, if I cast RoS every 3 seconds and I have 30% crit due to ~3450 OA, it would be ~9 seconds before Living Shadow procs?
Sorry for stupid questions, I genuinely don’t get how these work… I thought when I cast skill it’s counted as “attack”, and Blade Spirit has 5 seconds recharge, and Ring of Steel 3 seconds recharge - both 2-4 seconds more than skills that activate off default weapon attacks.
EDIT: Just tested… whatever it’s happening it does cast much faster, and seems that skills activate off hits from blade spirit!