Enabling Chaos ranged Inquisitor
Inquisitor is the og ranged mastery. However during our top20 testing me and other builders found out that the best ranged builds don’t usually contain Inquisitor apart from the famous Evoker build. There are few reasons for that, but here I wanna propose some simple changes that can make ranged Chaos Inquisitor viable at the top end.
Class combos that can be Chaos ranged Inquisitors lack %damage and decent flat sources/conversions
I am not taking about Deceivers here because they lack strong AA (ranged Rah’Zin is pretty meh). But Purifiers and Paladins don’t have any reliable way to get enough flat damage. Oathkeepers have Voidsteel gauntlets that enable strong builds like this or this. So with a Shieldbreaker you can at least utilize the power of additional flat physical damage from rebuke plus Smite with added steroids (and Smite is in general pretty stellar as ranged wps, especially for Chaos). With Chaos Inquisitors there is no way to convert all that juicy pierce flat from Conviction and Ranged Expertise and there are no chaos mods for its wps.
Solution: add pierce to chaos conversion mod to Blood Sigil of Ch’thon medal and add some WPS mods to chaos pistols
- So if Blood Sigil of Ch’thon gets a 100% Pierce converted to Chaos to Ranged Expertise that means Chaos Inquisitor gets a big flat damage boost, simple as that.
- There are pistols that could definitely use a Chaos mod to one of the Inquisitor’s wps. Like Exterminus and Deviltongue could definitely have mods to either one of Inquisitor’s wps. Now what about “translations” Zantai might ask? Well for Chilling Rounds you can just copy paste mod from Havoc, for Bursting Round/Storm Spread you can copy paste mods from Dagallons (and adjust values accordingly if needed).