Next Thing Discussion

I am not sure what is going on here, but since the birb was summoned, for those looking into cold pets using Bys trinkets -

Boro already linked my lazy budget pet conjurer for those who just want to run around and collect loot most of the time. The endgame version of that -

In the AoM era you could summon 2x Birbs with just a single item - Mythical Will of Bysmiel - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database
You could combine it with full Beastcaller for 2x Familiars + 2x Briarthorns and this was when Birbs had 100% all resistances by default and you could summon both with a single click.

Forgotten Gods saw the 2x Birbs thing being moved to a full set and when I was killing superbosses and doing SR with mono class pet builds (Birb Occultist), I made the mistake of asking a certain someone to let us start in higher shards in SR (which much later came as Death’s Waystone) and he was like “hm… birbs have too much resistances and it is from a bygone era, so lets nerf that”.

I still haven’t recovered from it.

Winterking weapon cold pet trickster - Many have tried, including myself, but while I cannot comment on its current state, it was underwhelming back then. I have no idea why.
