Nintendo Switch Port Please

I will never buy an X-Box version (since I don’t have one)
or a PS4 version (even though I do have one).
The Nintendo Switch has essentially ruined all consoles for me
(and 99% of Steam).

Since I know nothing about the Switch, what makes it so different / superior to other consoles ?

It’s convenient, as in like a phone.
I can pick it up and resume a game in the time it takes me to press a button 3 times to unlock it. I don’t have to wait to get home to play a game, or worry about who wants the TV. I can slide it into the dock and play on a large screen, or lift it out at a moments notice. I can play for 5 minutes, or several hours, anywhere, at any time, when I have the time. It’s a solid device that feels good to hold and use (big hand people may want a pro-controller).

How successful has the Switch been? Is there enough of a user base to warrant the expense of porting to that platform? (Genuinely curious)

Even if so, I’ll stick with keyboard and mouse. I gamed on consoles for years until I downloaded my first game on Steam. I’ll never go back to a controller again.

Can the Switch actually handle Grim Dawn? It can handle Skyrim apparently, which is no mean feat (largely because Bethesda games are horrifically poorly optimized), but I really don’t know much about the Switch other than that.

Skyrim has a different set of problems and you can get it to run on surprisingly potato computers without that much effort. I wouldn’t put it in the same league as Grim Dawn with respect to porting to a handheld console.

It’s worth mentioning that Nordic is porting TQ to the Switch. There are plenty of games that get drops when the Switch is docked to a big screen, notably even Zelda does. Regardless I’m sure that Crate could probably make it work if they really wanted to. At worst they might have to limit the mob count and probably do a little work toning down GD’s upper graphical settings. The Switch wouldn’t handle it very well when docked to a 4k TV.

I wouldn’t mind it if they did bring it to the Switch eventually. I’d play it on it from time to time.

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Yes, they’ve sold 10 million since the launch March.

The Switch is the fastest selling console for the 1st year in the US and Japan. It outsold the Wii in the US (previous record holder in the US), and the PS2 in Japan (previous record holder in Japan).


You do realise Grim Dawn is heavily dependant on windows to work right? Which means porting it to the Switch or any other non-windows based platforms would require a lot of work on the engine and art, the sort of work that is usually costed in the hundreds of thousands of US$. So prey tell where exactly is the sort of money going to come from then?

I don’t own nor play with controller neither but why not if the task to port to Switch not such an undertaking. I am sure if the commercial gain is in favor, they would do it since why not? It’s business.

Crate already in process to port GD to Xbox One so I think that is kind of …uninformed?:undecided: Or maybe you mean Xbox kinda similar with Windows since its uses DX

['Mess makes saving roll, avoids using “Snark” attack]

Xbox 360 and One basically run a very stripped down versions of windows that uses directx + has .Net and visual credit binaries, which makes porting from windows native games to it relatively easy. Where as PS3 and switch use entirely different custom OS’s with OpenGL as the graphics driver this generation. Which means a f*ckton more work due to Grim Dawn’s engine not only using directx for graphics, but also requiring .Net and visual credit to work. Along with what ever other windows specific stuff the game relies on to run.

And most of the above could have been found via taking a few minutes to consult wikipedia /hint-hint

Heh. I’m that kind of guy who didn’t care if people see me as clueless.

Many thanks for the enlightenment anyway. Would have taste better though without all the sarcasm cream. :stuck_out_tongue:

I personally didn’t care for the switch that much I got one for my son and he barely uses it as well.

Hi all,
Does anybody know if the GD will be ported on nintendo switch someday? Just in case, D3 have been ported after all:)

No. Only port being worked on atm is to Xbox. From the 13th April stream:

"Will GD come to Nintendo Switch?

I’m not sure it’s very likely. We’d have to see what it even involves and whether the performance is good enough. Nintendo Switch isn’t as powerful as other consoles which is a concern because Grim Dawn CPU/GPU useage and also the fact there’s all these entities on screen is a big deal."

Also talks with Sony broke down.

Thank you for the response.

You’re welcome - and welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

Kinda off topic but TQ IS COMING TO SWITCH?!

It’s already out. None of the console ports for it are very good though. Here’s one review for the Switch version.

If I were you I’d stick to the PC to play it.

Anyone have any news on this beyond what a google search can provide? Diablo 3 was done so I don’t see why this hasn’t been.