No access to savegames

Dear folks,

Unfortunately i can’t get access to my savegames anymore.
I started the game and wondered why the button to continue the last game disappeared. When i opened the savegame menu it told me, that there are no savegames.
They still exist in the game’s folder. So there must be some broken link.

Am i the only one who encountered such problems?

Check that software, typically OneDrive, isn’t redirecting your save directory.

Oh wow. I didnt know that i need OneDrive to access them, as the savegames are properly present in the game’s folders under my documents.

I connected OneDrive now, but it didnt help.

Opposite, software such as OneDrive can mess with the game’s ability to see its data. OneDrive is just an example and a common one.

You don’t need OneDrive at all.

Also do you have cloud saving turned on?

Oh. Okay. Well, normally i don’t use it.

I started a new game and restarted the game to see if i can still access it. I can, but it doesnt show up in the game’s savegame folder on my computer, like the saves i did until today.

So … the problem doesnt seem to be a problem with the cloud.

Where is your Documents folder? It’s usually C:user\My Documents. Do you have it on another drive?

No, it’s there and i didnt move it. The game just doesnt recognize it anymore.

I had cloud saving turned on all the time, as far as i know. It synchronized when i closed the game.

The locally saved games are still present and i just made a backup when i encountered the problem.

The new savegame seems to be properly saved in the cloud, but not locally.

Ah … and: Perhaps i should add that i had two windows updates, today in the morning and when i came back home, about 2 hours ago.

Verify the game files to be on the safe side.

That was the second thing i did :smiley:

But thank you for the advice :slight_smile: