Hi, I have a weird issue since just a few hours ago
I am playing my level 100 and nothing is dropping from monsters (except components)
There’s no iron bits, no weapons, no armor, nothing like that
Earliar today it was working, loot was dropping all fine, everything going good, but now it’s not
I suspect it’s since I made a new character, since my partner was playing and she made a new one, and nothing was dropping for her, so I made a new character and now nothing is dropping for me. And wheen we made the new characters, they did not show up in the list until we refreshed by opening the options or restarting the game. And now those new characters can go through the entire first area, level past 10 and nothing drops from monsters - and so they have almost no money as they can only get items from crates and bosses.
This issue is affecting all my characters that were just working several hours ago - so I feel like making a new character corrupted everything
I tried:
checking the loot filter (I did this, I really did, please dont tell me again to do it, I am going mad)
deleting my saves (after backing up!) and starting fresh with a new install, no saves, and clean everything
I tried changing the loot setting in a multiplayer game, turning off individual loot
I even ran as administrator
I checked my folders permissions/ownership, all G
My partner and I are running seperate compters with different accounts, and same issue