No shrine in Twin Falls on Elite (

I found it on normal, but on elite it’s not there.

Any mods you’re running? Cause that shrine has always been there without failing.

tried verifying game files?

Depending on which DLC you own, not all shrines spawn all difficulties.


right, i keep forgetting that was a thing because only the wiki distinguishes that and GT doesn’t :sweat_smile:

@Gruust you can confer with the wiki for your game version when “missing” shrines then happens Shrines - Official Grim Dawn Wiki /spoiler alert?

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There are also lists for them depending on the base game/expansion here.

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No mods. The shrine is even indicated on the map:

And, yes, I verified the game files.

Ok, the Old Arkovia shrine should not be there on elite because I don’t have any DLCs. But what shrine is indicated on the world map then?

The one in the Undercity. That one is always there on all difficulties.

Ok, found it. The shrine is in Undercity. My bad.

Yeah, it’s a bit confusing sometimes having one on the surface and the other underground as it were. Especially if you don’t have the expansions.