I had 2 come when I first put the trading post up, but none have come since - 3 years running now. Doubt I can check for next year as no food either so don’t expect my few villagers left to make it through the coming winter. Ironman challenge for you.
Well, surprise, surprise. Farmers did harvest enough for 30 months so guess they will make it through to next year.
I also have this on a new game in 9.6c. They never arrived. Started another 2 games with same settings and map seed, traders showed up without problem.
First time I’ve never had any showing up so might be something from the last couple of hotfixes.
Did they continue to arrive in subsequent years Westfaliah? As said I had them when I first built the trading post, but none came after that.
Is that a screenshot from my game? Because I’m nowhere near being at T4. I barely managed T2 to get the trading post because I’m doing an Ironman town with nothing except a lot of wolves on it. That’s why I need the trading post so badly.
Ah yes, I had the wrong game. However, trader arrival seems to be behaving on the correct game. This particular TP has the following percent chance for each trader-arrival “roll”.
So you should at least be getting 1 trader per year with that first entry being 100%. And that’s what I saw. I let it run for 5 years and saw that the roll count does get reset on the new year boundary so that first roll-for-a-new-trader always succeeded.
Very strange indeed.
I’m currently looking to add more debugging via the Player.log for release builds. Because if there is some kind of null-ref happening, it could potentially short-circuit the intended code path. Currently, Player.log doesn’t really tell us much for release builds.
Happened again. Continued the town from year 16 and it was fine for a few years, then in year 24 I didn’t get any more traders and that was the same for years 25 and 26.
Also there’s something strange going on with crop fields. Every now and then at the start a a new year all the crops in that year are ticked as being done I assume so no farmers go to work in the fields so no crops are planted/harvested.
A new field also had no crops planted/harvested even though the game showed the crops without ticks.
Not sure if the arborists were working or not. When I first checked after looking at the fields they were not, but later one of them was harvesting the little that was left from the villagers raiding the place for food.
Another problem is that the monthly income/expenses got stuck. I wasn’t making much, but had this figure for several years.
Sent through 2 saves, one at year 24 and the other year 26.
I loaded up your year-24 game and added some debugging code to break code execution if a year ever passed without a trader, cranked the game speed up to 10x, cheated in a bunch of resources so the villagers wouldn’t die, and just let the game run for 20 years. I never hit the case where a trader didn’t show up. My guess is that you are hitting something else (a null-ref or something) that is causing the issue. I think I’ll continue on figuring out a way to including better logging in release builds so maybe we can catch what’s going on with this.
And reading your report on crops … at the start of a new year … makes me wonder if this supposed null-ref is happening on the new-year event. Because trader counters are reset in the same event. If that event is continuously null-reffing, that trader count might not get reset. And that WOULD cause traders to never show up again.
Seems suspicious.
EDIT: And I do see a (maybe?) way that the new year event could null-ref, though it seems fairly unlikely this is what you’re seeing. In any event, I added a safeguard for this case.
Hello, I have the same problem.This is the second time I’ve encountered such a bug.Everything is going well, but at some point the game seems to go into a loop. Because of this, sellers do not come and fields do not move on to the next cycle. Is there some solution?
Zip up the entire TownName_###### folder along with the .map file and .sav that reproduces the issue. If the files are too big, you can use a service such as Google Drive to share it with us.