Hello sir thank you for your hard work! make me play grim dawn easier. look few page behind. too much stuff to said. but i dont mind you collect data for the mod. i think that if you have bad intention you will not do it in grim dawn, and you will not starts with modding that help people play GD with more comfortable ( this said to all modders too thank you very much!). btw keep the good job sir! ( sorry for my bad english)
I do not think anyone assumes he intends to do something malicous and I agree that there are better approaches if he did, but ultimately no one knows for sure and if he does not there is especially no good reason to not have an opt-out option
Some people are sensitive about this (far too few as far as I am concerned), why not give them the option ? It is better for the users and better for him (risk of potential lawsuit, even if that is small, goodwill, number of users) without him losing relevant information (other than active users, which is not all that relevant to begin with…)
That is enough on that topic from me though, ultimately it is his decision, he is aware of the pros and cons.
I initially joined this because someone apparently was threatening to release a version that does not send data if he did not provide an option. No matter how I feel about him not providing that option, I strongly disagree that this gives anyone the right to publish a copy where the data collection has been removed, it is still slipperypete’s tool (the nick is kinda ironic given this discussion…)
dear sir mamba forgive me from simple minded gamer i am. maybe i too dumb to this stuff. but for what i see is like this. when in home my mom cook and i eat what my mom cooking, if i want eat something else i go to restaurant and ask menu and order. the restaurant give what i want.
in modding modders give what they create. me users take it as all it is. if want something like i wanted maybe i create myself(impossible) or paying ( it will cost much because what i want will perfect)
so we take it as it is or choose another. and it will be come to us for choosing it. as long as not break the rules form developer
and maybe in my opinion this topic already too far( lawsuit, threatening.etc) and i respected all modders for what have they done. for what have they do. for what have they spend ( time, mind, energy.) and come to users this mods if that they okay with this “sending data” then use it. if users feel they want their privacy “intact” choose another mod. simple. i am sorry for my bad english
that is a bit simplistic, people ask for all kinds of changes and features on all kinds of stuff (have you been on this forum and looked at threads ? ) - and there is generally nothing wrong with it, just because someone asks for it does not mean it has to be added. So no, it is not just a ‘take it or leave it’ approach, it is more of a community than that.
Also, expressing concern about some feature / offering suggestion you consider improvements is valid.
You might eat what your mom cooks and what they serve you at a restaurant, but when a stranger offers you candy on a dark street corner, I am not sure you would take it. I certainly do not think you simply should assume that he has the best intentions
and maybe in my opinion this topic already too far( lawsuit, threatening.etc)
maybe you misunderstood that. I am not threatening a lawsuit, I will definitely not sue him over this. I said that he is opening himself up to one by not making this an optional feature as chances are he is in violation of the law in quite a few countries without that option.
That was advice, not a threat.
if users feel they want their privacy “intact” choose another mod. simple.
or ask for it to be an option, no harm in that either
If he then still does not make in an option, do not use it, agreed.
like i said sir i just simple minded gamer and too dumb for technical of the game. and thats i am sir i rather make thing simple than complicated. and you already said it sir " generally nothing wrong with it, just because someone asks for it does not mean it has to be added"
so be it and leave it. its done. and i am sorry sir that i just silent reader not much provide i just learning the game read what information that can help me to learn the game. and what wrong or right is different to one people to another and there a guide line in this.( this case in crate developer) and as long as he not break the rules from crates and crates didnt did take any action of it so does we. lets just enjoy the game and what the modders offer we take it or we leave it.
“You might eat what your mom cooks and what they serve you at a restaurant, but when a stranger offers you candy on a dark street corner, I am not sure you would take it. I certainly do not think you simply should assume that he has the best intentions ;)”
thats different variable sir and different situation
“maybe you misunderstood that. I am not threatening a lawsuit, I will definitely not sue him over this. I said that he is opening himself up to one by not making this an optional feature as chances are he is in violation of the law in quite a few countries without that option”
That was advice, not a threat."
and why we must take about his concern to our own ? when he even didnt mean take that for benefit to make profit from it. he just want to make people play easier and all like all modders also have that mindset when they create a program.
"or ask for it to be an option, no harm in that either
If he then still does not make in an option, do not use it, agreed."
harm or no harm is not us to judge. leave it to user who download the program. he serve we take it. dont like it choose another. done
and i am sorry for my bad english and i hope we not take this conversation to extend. just enjoy the game play this beautiful game as it is with modders do the make up like a girl of your dream and dance with her until the last song ends.
I already said two posts ago that it was my last post on the topic. I have every intention of leaving it be, but you keep asking me stuff
as long as he not break the rules from crates and crates didnt did take any action of it so does we.
you do realize that Crate’s are not the only rules he has to consider, right ? These pesky little things called laws also are something to consider
“You might eat what your mom cooks and what they serve you at a restaurant, but when a stranger offers you candy on a dark street corner, I am not sure you would take it. I certainly do not think you simply should assume that he has the best intentions ;)”
thats different variable sir and different situation
not really, he is the guy on the dark street corner, or at the very least more shady than the restaurant. If you cannot see that you are very naive.
That was advice, not a threat."
and why we must take about his concern to our own ?
so giving friendly advice to someone to make him aware of something he might not know and negatively affect him is now a bad thing ? I left the decision entirely up to him.
when he even didnt mean take that for benefit to make profit from it. he just want to make people play easier and all like all modders also have that mindset when they create a program.
doesn’t mean you cannot give advice. I generally agree with your perspective on why he releases the tool though. The one thing that actually makes me wonder is his refusal to offer an opt-out option. How does that fit the mindset you describe ?
harm or no harm is not us to judge
I said there is no harm in asking for an option, I did not talk about whether his tool is harmful.
We definitely can judge that the question is harmless. We cannot really judge whether the tool is. If I gave you a bottle with some liquid to drink, asked you to drink it but refused to tell you what it is, would you automatically assume it is safe ?
Same as the candies on a dark corner, you would / should not, this is no different.
and i am sorry for my bad english and i hope we not take this conversation to extend.
the easiest way to end a conversation is to not keep replying (asking questions even)
“the more easy way is not pushing what you wanted on someone like we are communist”
this is such a nonsense post…
asking for an option is neither pushing something on you nor has it anything to do with communism
If anything, not giving us the option is pushing something on us…
EDIT: I noticed you also have new replies in what you quoted (seriously? you cannot even quote properly?). Your replies are also utter nonsense, but I won’t be addressing them, it is a waste of time.
@mamba and Noah, you guys want this dicussion moved or just deleted?
I think the message has been made, but enough is enough, this thread needs an ability to stay on topic too.
either way is fine with me. I am done with the conversation, if that saves you the trouble of doing either
THANK YOU. you are the guy we are the users of the mods waiting for this nonsense ends.
@mamba like i said sir i am just simple minded gamer. just silent reader. and yes i cant quote :o and congratulation for you can quote a sentence in this forum what an awesome skill you have sir. bravo for 6000+post in front of screen what an awesome time you spend. oh life so much things to see and feel out there.oh life!
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”
i am sorry for my bad english. and thank you for all modders for your all hardwork you make this beautiful game become perfect thank you from bottom of my heart. i enjoy this game with little time i have. thank you so much crate.
so you are telling me that you are genetically incapable of quoting properly ? You must be some special kind of idiot then…
And no, I do not consider being able to quote an awesome skill, as evidenced by the fact that I expected you to be able to do so…
Needed a place for this, cause I fear if I just delete these posts, they will come back as zombies.
Oh no jiaco what have you started?!?
butts in
This doesn’t seem very private.
While you’re playing God feel free to resurrect all my posts you guys have deleted since way back when. Better create me my own sub-forum to hold them all.
Sent from my SCH-R950 using Tapatalk
Now it is up to you to find them all. :D;)
Well, I was thinking they’d be a blast to read without any of the context in which they were wrote. Maybe I could slap 'em in a book and get 'em published.
Preposterous Ponderings, Pooty-tats and powbam: Or, Those are some damn deep thoughts kemosabe
On hipsters coffee tables and drunkards bathroom magazine racks to be read in a haze at 3:37 in the AM across the continental US. Ribbed for his and hers pleasure.
Hey guys, what’s going on this t…
peeking through the keyhole