Non-meta devotions?

I’ve been browsing the compendium for awhile now looking for interesting builds that use some of the more non-standard devotions. So far I’ve had little luck, at least in the latest Compendium.

For me, non-standard would be:

  • Atak Seru
  • Seer
  • Hyrian (Griffin)
  • Korvaak
  • Fist of Vire
  • Affliction

I’m most interested in Seer, Atak Seru and the newer Korvaak devotion skill simply because in my 1600 hours of playtime I have never once seen or used them. Is there a build that utilizes the above three at once? Is it even possible to get three T3 devotions without massive sacrifices?

Atak Seru and non standart dev setup + item setup

There are lots of builds that take triple T3 devotions but they need to have similar requirements. Blind Sage and Attack Seru for example are in same corner, so it’s easy to take them together. But you can’t add to them Korvaak. Korvaak can be used with Ultos for example.

Here’s build with both Seru and Sage. I posted one build with both these devotions and Leviathan on top.

As Nery said. It is possible to get two if they need similar requirements (Seru 16 purple/14 green, Sage 10 purple/18 green), but when they’re at opposite ends of the devotion spectrum it’s not so easy. I’ve seen and also in one of my builds have managed to get Ultos, Korvaak and Spear, but that meant dropping some of the other constellations with procs I would like to take in order to get the required affinities for all of them.

Bear in mind that for most of the builds in the compendium fast clear times of Crucible is part of the meta so those constellations may simply not be used because they don’t proc often enough.

Here’s the devotion plan I made for an Archon build:

Point into purple crossroads
Scholar’s Light
Sailor’s Guide
Solemn Watcher

A non-meta Arcanor Forcewave Tactitian utilizing some of those Purple/Green devotions could be fun.

Attak seru & blind sage are both pretty good devotions. Because they are so similar in affinity you can spend a lot of points picking up expensive devotions with good procs like phoenix, crab, crown, harp, chariot etc. Korvaak is pretty good too in my experience, I stopped using it though because the sound effect is constant and annoying to me lol.

The others I think are just badly placed on the devotion map. I can’t imagine any retaliation build skipping obelisk, shield maiden, solemn watcher, and resist reduction devotions. That doesn’t really leave points to fit in Hyrian, Fist of Vire, and Affliction and they don’t offer enough to take for a non-retal build.

Nice, I already have a Magehunter following Mad Lee’s build. I’ll try your devotion path and swap out the shoulders if needed.

Looks like Cinderwind gloves may be better than runesinged as well. I’ll play with it, thanks man!

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I have most of those items and can transmute the rest. Been meaning to make a Paladin, just didn’t expect it to be using FoI. I’ll give it a shot. Thanks!

I see Kraken in there, did you have better results with Primal Strike or Savagery? Or was it EoR with partial cyclone set?

I tried a full cyclone Archon and found it super squishy to the point of not being fun in Ultimate

I recently had an M. Arcanor drop so I might give that a try. If it fails I can just convert it to a Valdun Tactician

Well, I’ve only just started playing that build so can’t say, but I prefer Primal Strike over Savagery just for the fxs of it. I love seeing lightning flashing around all over the screen. :smile:

Seer is fairly meta, just rare.

Attak Seru is off-meta, but omnitrio had been pioneering it recently, and as I grasp it the results are quite good with enough conversions piled up (basically Spelldrinker is mandatory).

Hyrian I sometimes forget existing, that says a lot.

Korvaak is super niche due to being damage-neutral and having a neutral proc that also requries high speed ticks to activate reliably. Last time I’ve seen it was a EoR cyclone build, but it was when FG was just released.

Vire stuggles between being an Internal Trauma constellation and retal constellation. For retal it just isn’t too enticing for whatever reasons, and trauma builds are pretty exotic in the first place.

Affliction is pretty meta, it’s just acid retal builds are rarely posted since there isn’t just much build diversity. IIRC it was actually nerfed not long ago in fact.

Fairly certain I plowed the ground almost a year ago on seru with my bonemonger caster apostate and agrivix aether defiler… plus the above linked build slightly more recently

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Is good when you have high WD. High WD can be found on melee builds and melee altogether is off-meta so there is that. On top of that, most melee builds with high WD require devotions outside of heavy blue+green path. I have Korvaak only on one build, lightning Arcblade+Cyclone Druid.

I tried Korvaak on RakaJax build, it’s interesting to try it if you have flat RR source and take it with both Ultos and Spear.

Btw do you think it’s worth on 2H aether or DW?

Not sure. It’ll depend on the whole map and whether or not you have a skill to bind it to. Korvaak makes more sense for lightning in general because you get 10 green/blue for Ultos anyway and Korvaak gives electrocute dmg on top of lightning. Aether has no dots.

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