Not enjoying Sunder at all

well friend, if you don’t like the new mechanics you can play forever in


you give me way too much credit there my man :sweat_smile:

^i’m actually a “poor” pilot/casual pilot, but yes my eyes are on teh screen, and on the boss, just like they always were, and despite not having MadLee skills i’m still managing to spot the Sunder FX warning, and from my experience it tends to stand out more than other stuff
^but again, if your eyes is not on the boss, and for whatever reason never were, then yes that’s def some new/additional initial adjustment to be had - but like i said, i can’t wrap my head around that; because before sunder bosses still had deadly attacks, certain telegraphed attacks you had to manually avoid, or ground effects to move away from
so how you ever managed to play the game to the point of getting the habit of never watching boss is straight up beyond me, because to me there was plenty sweaty moments before, gargabol volcano, zantarin shotgun, and obviously Grava nulli

still no clue what you refer to here, makes even less sense with the new addition

unsure if you even read what i wrote before, so :man_shrugging: i guess

cool, like i said, in my experience it stands out among effects enough even i can catch it (and i’m not that good a player), but again, if you’re used to never watching stuff in the game it probably explains a bit in that regard/“much more visual noise” to now adjust to

the other part i’m not gonna comment on since that’s your sentiment to something more subjective game/genre wise

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That’s unreasonable. 1.2+ has a lot of other, great, changes beyond turning the difficulty up irrationally high to 11 with sunder. And will be required for the upcoming expansion too. Please contain your unhelpful snark.

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So you really don’t pay attention to your skill bar to see when your skills have recharged to use them again, or when your potion has recharged so you can feel safe going a little more aggressive for a moment, or to see if your “oh shit” skill has recharged yet or not? (And now you also have to pay attention to the evade recharge too.)

oh you mean regular skills cooldown
generally don’t, i just tap my fingers on the keyboard, still do - highly inefficient, like i said, not technically a very good pilot
i use my heals/WoR, PB, BoD basically on spam “not when i need them”/most appropriate for my health bar :sweat_smile:,
recast inquis seal even if i don’t really have to,
i click mirror or nulli when i feel like it, - when means i might also then “spam” the button while it’s still on CD because i’m not actually directly paying attention to it,
i constantly forget to use Mark of Torment (because that skill annoys me) and frequently use it poorly/on the wrong target
i basically spam ABB (still) regardless of Lethal Assault buff duration still active (before it was 4secs buff i’d still use it every 1.6secs, not it’s 8secs i still use it every 1.6 secs)

nop, don’t
because Sunders are, outside crucible, always on a much longer cooldown than evade; and evade (aside from traversing maps) i strictly reserve for sunders
other "avoid this"attacks i use regular rune movement as usual, which i basically also pretty inefficiently spam, tho less so when it’s just 1v1 boss fights
again, you don’t really have to pay half as much attention as you think or that much more compared to before; i don’t either.
Only thing you need to adjust to is, now, actually putting your eyes on the screen/boss (still don’t understand how that habit got formed with the deadly attacks existing before) - and when you see orange sunder flash (which i promise you you can get learned to noticing) hit the evade,
you don’t even have to move your cursor off the boss (infact it helps to have it stay there so you can reengage fast after the dodge - super handy chain with ex blitz or such)

yes, the game def got a bit more active, or a higher stat build requirement if you wanna full facetank/fight passively
but all the rest, i swear, you’re overestimating the effect/requirements of,
don’t mean to be elitist (truly not that great a pilot) but it really is that simple as “adjust to spotting Sunder FX warning+auto hit evade” that’s it,
rest is still the same and you can do the same/be as inefficient and casul with your hotbar skills/cooldowns as before just as i am

since it seems you edited this in/i got a new quote mention

didn’t change,
^and if you’re busy fighting those you’re probably not in sunder range anyway
again, i’m still paying the same attention like before, my eyes are no different in regarding to attentiveness to spotting healers/priority targets (which are still gonna be far and few between in sunder fights)

didnt’ change - and if you’re dodging those anyway you’re probably not getting sundered either

no idea why you’d bother manually dodging those, outside Morgo bullet hell, “straight” flying projectiles can usually be ignored, and the projectiles you do wanna avoid, meteors/falling rocks, are the same you still wanna avoid/the ones that has sunder

in which case you don’t get sundered anyway

why? (atleast for the debuff part), debuff window is basically meaningless to watch ? :thinking:

then how did you stay alive before; because they had tons of lethal attacks and stuff you wanted to avoid before 1.2 too
again, Meteors, volcanoes, pools, Nulli, Shotguns, MQ aura, etc etc etc - these attacks are still in the game, were still there before and absolutely lethal and warranted avoiding; and funnily enough most of those are the ones with Sunder effects now (devs sneakily made you avoid most of the same attacks now as before)

oh yea, totally forgot to mention tqFan modded out Sunder on like day 1 for those that didn’t like the new mechanic :sweat_smile:

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A mod shouldn’t be required to make the game fun again. Every boss that comes up now is a dreadful slog and unpleasant experience now. The mechanic needs a serious, deep, rework (if not official removal). Sunder has sapped nearly all the joy out of the game.

would personally disagree on that part, but that’s also the subjective aspect of the debate ofc

Disable post processing and or reduce particles to medium or low.
No screen cutters anymore, preventing you from spotting sunder sparkles.

Use gd autocaster or another auto hot key script.
This way you don’t need to pay attention to certain cooldowns anymore.


In the words of the sages of Dark Souls - Git Gud

Seriously, with the current severe state of my ADHD and reduced executive functioning overall affected my Autism symptoms, meaning I’m prone to loosing track of things in hectic situations, I can still recognise Sunders very easily. Even on today’s like today when I’ve had crap sleep. The only time I die to them is when I fail to check the map in Shattered Realm and get bum rushed by the Iron Maiden while in a mob or accidentally draw in 2 bosses in a boss shard.

And that’s only with my more glassy builds lawl. My more tanky ones eat sunders for breakfast.

Also, most boss fights in the campaign are usually you vs the boss without mobs in the way, so usually it’s visually clear enough to notice the very obvious Sunder VFX.

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I am very happy that they introduced the Sunder mechanic. If not for that, the game entirely turns into a stat check. I understand that that is a big part of ARPGs, and it is still a part of Grim Dawn. It’s just that it has been supplemented with additional mechanic, and I think that’s fun.

Good thing for you is that there are at least two options. Either rollback to the previous patch, which Crate has given option to everyone, or install a mod that removes Sunder.


I must admit that Sunder isn’t really for me either. As far as seeing those “indications”, nope. Now I know what they’re supposed to look like I’ve been watching for them today and still haven’t seen them. Just fought the Sentinel in the Hidden Path and I saw nothing like that before it sundered me. So :woman_shrugging:

These are my video settings, they’re not low by any means.


God forbid memorizing a dozen boss patterns. Teh horror.

Anyway. Pet builds don’t care about sunder. Retal doesn’t care about sunder. Generally tankier setups can facetank sunder unless it’s really high SR. Just find a build more suitable for your playstile, and the game can be played same as before.

I personally enjoy sunder-dodge interaction due to how much it enables glass cannon playstiles that really weren’t functional before. And how much clearer the telegraphs are, as opposed to previous cases of “lmao you ded” and digging through grimtools to figure out why.


He does a really long stomping animation that sends rock spikes from him. Those sunder on contact.

Summarizing the replies since I left last night:

  • Turn down your graphics options to minimal.
  • Ignore 3/4 of the possible builds in the game and only play builds that can ignore sunder.
  • Automate the game/turn it into an autoattacker instead of playing it.
  • “git gud” (You can eff right the eff off with this response, BTW – and there’s a reason “Souls” fans are notorious on the Internet.)
  • Just deal deal with the game having changed genres entirely to one where you have to memorize attack patterns now.
  • Play the old version forever, and lose out all the other updates and changes and future content!

Y’all realize you’re crazy in rationalizing this away, right? I feel Sunder can be made to work, but not how horribly overtuned it is right now (on top of the patch notes ALSO making all the dungeons having a harder baseline difficulty too, mind you).

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You realize that there were always extremely dangerous boss mechanics that were not facetankeable on most chars? Try killing Grava or Gargabol without looking at the boss, lmao.


Sunder only didn’t worked when it applied to a bunch of random mobs, some having it attached to a projectile that they can fire from offscreen like the Obsidian Shaleborn, but now that it applies to only major bosses with highly telegraphed attacks, it’s far more manageable.

It’s not like this game didn’t had attacks before that you had to avoid to not die like Grava’s null or Aleks’s meteor. So saying it’s changing genres is beyond me.


Recognizing dangerous attacks for being dangerous is not comparable to memorizing attack patterns.

And we’ve had dangerous attacks in Grim Dawn since…2013? 2012? When did the Warden get his shotgun crossbow?


They’re even too high imo.

Disable post processing and or reduce particles to medium or low.
No screen cutters anymore, preventing you from spotting sunder sparkles.

Those are the settings my PC decided on for the game except for the gamma which I turn up to full because I don’t like playing in the dark.

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