Not possible to shoot enough deer for clothing?

I got a notification stating that my town is missing 532 leather coats.

I have 21 hunters fully uppgraded and I have 32 inhabitants making leather coats in 8 workshops.

Deer only shows up close to the town it seems so they are difficult to spot elseware. I have hunters on all places were I have found deer. It appears to be a challenge to hunt as many deer as required to keep up with demand? And it seem challenging to house the number of production workshops required to keep up with demand?

Anyone managed to keep a stable production of leather coats for a town with ~1000 inhabitants?

Don’t you grow flax to make clothing with? You can buy both more hides and also hide coats from traders if you need them.

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I’ve never tried to have that number of hunters, mostly I build small, unfenced farms full of root vegies to entice the animals to breed and stay around. As soon as I can build barns I do.


That was funny, watching your reply come onscreen and then editing it. :ok_hand:

Flax is what is used to make linnen clothing? (My game is in swedish). If it is, yes, I thought that would be sufficient but it turns out it isn’t. The villagers also need leather clothing. And lots of it.

Yeah, sorry, I sometimes write to fast and then the spelling gets, well… :upside_down_face:

Yes, barns are probably what you need to have. They’ll give you hides, meat, tallow and milk for making cheese with.

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Thanks, I’ll try that. Manually slaughter to get the hides?

You can or just set the number of cows you want to keep and any excess will be slaughtered automatically past that number.

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The game seems to be designed to limit the population you can supply without going to agriculture and domestic cattle: in 0.8.0 I found it was virtually impossible to keep 500+ people happy with just Hunters, no matter how many I had (and I scoured the map and Upgraded everybody, so there were animal traps everywhere!). There was simply no choice but to invest in barns and cows in addition to the farmer’s fields.
The latest ‘patch’ to the game seems to have downgraded the amount of meat, tallow and hide that you get from each cow. In my latest game on the latest download, the amount of meat I’m getting from starting Hunters also seems to have decreased - at least, where before 3 - 4 hunters would keep 60 or more people fed and get my first cobblers and ‘leather coat’ Tanneries started, now the hides appear less and my food supply is definitely lower. This is all just from an hour or so of observation, with no hard figures to back it up.
Does anyone have any figures, even rough ones, on what the average output of non-upgraded and upgraded hunters in meat, tallow, and hides is now?

There was a new tip when I started the game: “When hunting no longer can fill the needs of meat, leather and tallowit might be time to raise cattle” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Was in v0.8.0 actually

Not new, been around from the start iirc. Probably just hasn’t appeared for a while. I had another one a little while ago that I thought was new because I hadn’t seen it for a long time. :crazy_face:

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