Not Sure How To Update My Game (GOG)

Hey there,

I’ve decided to fire up Grim Dawn again for a new playthrough. I’ve just re-downloaded the game from GOG and installed it. In game, it says the game is v1.0.0.6.

But inside the installation folder are some other files:




I’m not sure if I need those files and if I do, I’m not sure what order I should install them in.

So could some kind soul please tell me how to update my game to the latest version?

Many thanks.

Attachment: GOG GD download screen.jpg

Just checked my GOG and the downloads don’t go that far back. Do you just have the base game or the Ashes of Malmouth expansion as well?

Bummer! I may have downloaded the wrong version.

I didn’t use that page, I went to ‘More’ > GOG Downloader Links and downloaded the Grim Dawn-Windows-Installer (I don’t use Galaxy).

Inside the installation folder I have the following files:

I’ve run setup_grim_dawn. to install the game. I’m just not sure what I need to do with the other files.

Thanks very much for the fast response :smiley:

Oops, I forgot to say, I only have the base game (no expansions).

Well, going by the disc version of the game I got as part of the Kickstarter iirc that’s v1.0.3.0 so you’re still a long way out.

I’m tempted to just start with the oldest file first and try installing them in the following order:




I suppose if worst comes to worst, I can uninstall and try again.

Aha! It worked!

I just needed to run the and that brought my game up to v1.0.6.1. So I hope that’s the latest version :slight_smile:

Congrats. Yes, that’s the latest version.