not sure where i am going for this build but here look


I am starting with Demolitionist.

Putting 40 points in the mastery bar.

Each of the following skills maxed out

Vindictive Flames + Ulzuins Wrath

Flame touched + Temper

Canister bomb +Concussive bomb + Improved casing ( main attack)

Blast Sheld

that’s it for the Demolitionist

Now Arcanist

same as before maxing all but one this time

Inner Focus

Maivens Sphere +conversion

Fabric of reality

and 5 points into Arcane Will

My stat points are

48 into Physique

39 into Spirit


Primordial crossroad 1

then Imp (onto Canister Bomb) 5 (6)

Remove Primordial place into order Crossroad (6)

then crane (5) (11)

Sailer’s guide (4) ( 15)

Eel (3) (18)

Hound (3) (21)

Panther (4) (25)

Tree of Life (6) (31) ( Maiven’s sphere)

Light of Empyrion (7) (38) (Vindictive Flames)

Chaos Crossroads (1) (39)

Fiend (5) (44) (going to use on a spellbook maybe Revenant of Og’Napesh

Behemoth (6) (50) (Flame Touched)


5 Chaos
9 Eldritch
8 order
20 Primordial

So what do you think, what can i improve

