Obtaining every item in the game by dropping it from monsters

Hi! I’ve been playing GD for quite some time through years, cumulatively around 500 hours.
My long term goal always was “Holy Grail” - to drop every item in the game.
And I’ve come close to that, but met some roadblocks on my way there.

Since we will have new patch, which will re-balance all the drops, and new x-pak in the future, I want to ask something.

Many Epic and Legendary items have low level versions. Some are quite easy to obtain by farming low lvl zones on Normal with lvl 100 char. Since there will be new level scaling on lower difficulties, will we still be able to do that? And in what capacity? Right now some items require so specific bracket of levels, that on high lvl char it boils down to 1 or 2 little zones or couple of altars at best.

Next. Some of those low lvl unique items only drop from bosses, e.g.: Eldritch-Keeper’s Casque and The Triumvirate from The Sentinel. Low lvl version of them can only drop from him lower than lvl 50. And his max lvl on Normal is 65, which will drop lvl 65 versions of said items.
I can roll a new char, level him to, say, 45, and try to farm Sentinel, but it will not be easy.

Next. We have as an example - Alkamos’ Anguish and Dread, which have version of lvl 30.
To drop them, he must be lower than lvl 45, and his max lvl on normal is 53. I can do this on new char too, but it will be even harder, imo. And I forgot lvl numbers for item version of lvl 65. (I think it’s impossible to do on max lvl char, iirc)

Next. We have String of Maggots and Okaloth’s Visage, which will not even drop on Normal, only Elite or Ultimate. And that will bring their monsters above lvl 91, which is max to drop lower lvl versions of items.

That were items I specifically has written down. I’m sure there’s more items like that.

If the answer will be - use lower lvl char, or some mod, or just cheat them - OK, I get that.
But maybe consider the option to actually allow to drop every item in the game by utilizing powerful, high lvl char. Maybe some changes in lvl of monsters in lower difficulties. Or changes to loot tables to allow broader lvl brackets for different versions of items.


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Hello there!

You know, your question is really good.

I’m right now farming a specific Blueprint that drops from the Sentinel which allows me to craft a Level 75 Legendary Helmet.
To do that, I’m playing with a Level 100 character on Elite. I was already able to drop one of the Sentinel’s Level 75 Blueprints, but still need to drop the other one.
Now with scaling going from Level 1 to 100 on each Difficulty, how would that work in 1.2?

The only reason I’m farming this blueprint is for completionism, as I want to have all Blueprints from the game, regardless of their level, but it would be cool to know how that will work after 1.2 drops, regarding those lower level blueprints that drop from specific mobs.

Z said stuff like specific boss drops, like sentinel blueprints, will be gated off by difficulty setting not level (this is an easy/simple change in the drop tables)
so you’d always be able to get Sentinel only drop the lvl 75 blueprint on Elite regardless of char level 100 or not, meanwhile the 94 blueprint would be gated off to ex Ultimate

can’t answer how changes impact world drop epics tho

Didn’t saw Zantai’s personal take on this, but cool stuff.

World drop epics and stuff are not as big of a problem for me, as specific drops, epic or legendary, from “boss” enemies.
That’s because I heard Zantai said not all zones will be scaled to max lvl. So you can find one or two places with elite enemies, or totems, that could drop low lvl items that you hunt. Even on lvl 100 char. I did it in the past, it seems like it will be possible, and I hope it will, in 1.2 and beyond.
Even if that will not be the case in the future, rolling a new char for low lvl farming is not as big of a deal, as farming specific “hard” bosses, especially in Skeleton Key dungeons, on pretty low lvl char.

I can only assume, that rouge-lite dungeons and such WILL be level scaled to the max.

So, my problem stands with needing to farm e.g. Alkamos on lvl 23 to 40 char, and not higher, when Alkamos himself will be lvl 28 to 45, and then drop his specific epic, which will not be 100%. Same goes for my other examples and I think there’s more items like that.

If you already going through whole game to re-balance and re-do all the droptables, consider fixing this “first world problem” of a couple of people who are crazy on Grails. =)

I think locking some boss drops to difficulty is good solution. You still can go to 100 on normal, and you still can drop purples after 50. Just some boss enemies will NOT drop their specific items of higher lvl on Normal, only on Epic and Ult. It is logical. You are incentivized to go to Ult, to see some stuff, to experience some stuff, to get some new stuff.