you are my hero I will check it out later for sure [ thanks maya I cant wait to see crazy dps build :D]
[sorry about the avatar it was a magazine cover from esquire that featured Rihanna, I made this account using google account and it carried over as my avatar]
bahhh no cabalists qq
I will still check it out but I only interest in Conjurer’s I tried cabalist and not to my liking comparatively
if you can find any builds that have 22/12 conjure primal spirit and +2000% pet damage or more
on conjurer , I would be mucho gracias I am going to try for that some day myself
Edit : for the record I count things like on-use activated buffs so … for example there is an exlir of beastial wrath , and 4pc beast caller set has an on-use activation
both of these stack to give additional +pet damage for like 4 seconds or longer
I am ok with this sort of thing , just trying to find out how to get higher
I thought the whole point of this epeen measurment contest was to get as fierce cat as possible? And that off-hand is very good for primal spirit (30% speed etc) but sure, in a Cabalist not BiS for sure
its complicated I also want to maintain a few other things
give me some time and ill be able to provide agrim tools of my own to make it easier to work with
don’t get me wrong I really like that offhand it even has +2 primal spirit on it
but I give up a pet for that …. a pet that would be scaling to like 1800% dmg
to be fair that mainhand looks like upgrade however im looking into it !
lot of info for me to take in , I will try to incorporate it all soon
the main thing I seem to be taking away from this is that I need to setup my devotions better
and that green mainhand seems uber upgrade
also pierce resistance might not be so bad some day ;d
edit : I used to have those legendary boots with the 10k shield , but I thought these blue were better cause +2 hellhound and only -20% pet dmg
im basically trying to get my kitty to 22/12
and have as much bonus to +briarthorn and +hellhound as possible,
but id also like to get my damage to 2000% and then be able to boost it like 200 more with potion/set bonus
its kinda complicated I don’t think ill be able to perfectly convey what im trying to do
basically build a savage pet army ;d
but hey I will get back to you once I get more of this stuff added
I can switch the weapons and try to work on the devotion tree .
I notice you have a 25% proc attached to your curse debuff , so instead of spiders u get like 200% pet dmg that does seem nice
As for my thoughts on it, I have never tried to go all out on offense before. That is kind of because I like to hunt SuperBosses. And those require you to build in a different way. The Crate of Entertainment Secret Boss for example, gives a tough time to most pet builds.