Occulist 100% Pet Summoner Build For New Players

My current grimtools : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/JVlP7r7V [lot of greens / mi]

A Purple Gear Version – https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62a1odO2

We already have beginner summoner builds posted here. In particular by Maya. Why is your “guide” worth getting into instead of the already published ones? In fact, in many of the reddit posts you have made, you did mention that you followed Maya’s guides.

From your Reddit history, you are a new player yourself and have not figured out much of the game mechanics yet. I have a nice quote from you on Reddit where you at level 82 claimed you was one of the best conjurer players in the world.

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Just going to put this here:

Edit: Wait, I’m reading that guide and it’s not even pure Occultist, it’s a Conjurer. Also, is that whole thing a single image? Why would you do that?

What do you have against GrimTools?

Um, a beginner’s guide with no levelling or devotion paths, that’s a great help to them.

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Hello !!

This guide is intended to help a new player level up extremely quickly from normal/veteran , to elite, and once more to complete ultimate mode. At which point it would be wise for them to pursue a more end-game oriented build like the ones maya has created. I do realize that this is probably one of the easiest specs in the game to level and likely won’t need this much advice to rapidly gain xp, however this guide does explain roughly how to do it the fastest…

.you may have noticed the 1700% pet damage screenshot :slight_smile: I took a break and not actively farming gear for this character or it would be 2000%.

How to level fast with Conjurer 1-100 and beat Ultimate
after you accomplish this goal feel free to try one of maya’s amazing templates that are designed for purposes other than leveling and story mode.

I know this started as a beginner’s guide for leveling, but I have now transitioned the build to End-Game. (It was my first character and is my main still – been putting in some work)

The character is about 90% completed, I just need to run some skill credit quests and he will be essentially near max (99%) the last 1% is almost impossible due to the nature of random drops.

Here is a screenshot with a ton of useful information on the final build
keep in mind this is a double briarthorn setup

Hey Pete. I got curious and wanted to see how far I could push Pet damage myself. So I made a build focusing on that. If you have any free time, could you maybe try it out and give me feedback?

GrimTools Link: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w260Yv7Z

Managed to get a bit more damage and an extra pet - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/b28ERveV

Even Higher (+3000%) - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4ZDzAQY2

I don’t think I can go any higher on that build though :sob:

Pete is probably the best conjurer player in the world, I hope he can help you Maya

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The Salt… :smiley:

here you have better salt: I got the best kitty!

Ok, updated the GT links. Got nearly +3000% pet dmg. Should be enough I think

Because of such hilarious stuff i am reading this forum more than playing the game! :sweat_smile:

Is this you playing your cat build?

you should follow pete on reddit, pure gold!

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Lol, But it is a Cabalist tho :crying_cat_face:

now this is some cyber bullying!

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There is a saying “less is more” but in grim dawn we have this version: “MOAR is MOAR”

Well, got rid of Birb, Took up Soul Harvest. Pushed past 3000% pet dmg. Link updated (the one in red)

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Fixed your profile picture for you.

Maybe next time don’t make it something that skirts the forum rules.