Is it viable? Does it kills bosses fast enough?
I’m trying to find a good build to play that is both fun and viable end game, occultist has a lot of bleeding/vit dmg. My question is how does his skills scale to late game?
Is it viable? Does it kills bosses fast enough?
I’m trying to find a good build to play that is both fun and viable end game, occultist has a lot of bleeding/vit dmg. My question is how does his skills scale to late game?
Vitality Conjurer is probably what you’re looking for. It’s easy to play, very strong and building it is pretty straight-forward. Also there’s a ton of vitality gear so itemization will never be a problem.
What class do you combine vit caster with? Does it play like a shaman? I dont really like running around in squishy pants.
Conjurer = Occultist + Shaman. It’s the contrary of squishy because of all the sustain it provides.
What are the main skills in the occultist tree to use? Blood pox and sigil?
Sigil, CoF and Possession. The damage of Pox is meh currently.
If u want a main skill as conjurer either go primal strike/savagery or DEE, pets are optional but can be handy(mainly the Familiar and Brairthorn.)
DEE is great atm since Possession also boosts its damage big time and its low mana cost makes it great as main skill.
More than viable. Killing machine.