Can you customize the size of a land plot for homes? Like the land plot for yards, then homes have to fit with in it? Or is it all premade and strict? I ask because I asked for this in Cities: Skylines and they said I could customize somethings, but residential land plots cannot be. I find in city planning; I like some areas to have large yards, other to have parks and others with gardens. It helps spread things out and makes for comfortable living. Plus, it’s the basis of Cities: Skyline, in order to keep residents happy.
I made a post about colonist gaining legacy and the game upgrading their status or role in the community. Frontier Stonk YOLOs I want to elaborate into this kind of idea. This could be one sign of showing progress.
Though with another theory I posted, I think something more along the lines of custom building. Not really custom, though with upgrade options. It’d be an automatic feature for some “families” to upgrade their homes, incorporating their trade or skills for the community. Such examples as Bread makers, Forage, Black smith and general stores come to mind. With the system upgrade some colonist as the city grows, provided enough land space they could upgrade their homes and it’ll do it automatically.
This mean instead of being a click and place mechanic the first time, a family with a legacy has thought of a way to upgrade. Bread makers for instance would build a windmill, which the city may not have had. This is because there’s no purpose for it. Though during times of celebration, you can play with a miniature windmill. The family somehow thought it would be a good idea to build a grain mill using this idea. The community knows them, and they have gain popularity for the idea. Then it unlocks the grain mills. You can build more after the first invent of the grain mill. But they will turn their home into one, in order to prove the accomplishment. This will be considered the colonies Legacy. The same thing can be done with water irrigation for crop lands, used for grain mills in other parts of the world. Leading back to the limitations I was detailing, geometrics have some advantages you may not have everywhere.
As for the popularity. Use things like straw roof. Those need to be changed maybe yearly. During those time the community comes together to prep for winter. With everybody working on something in common goal, the legacy point will be able to promote colonist to advantages, allowing advancements in technology in organized colonies.