Official Grim Dawn Kickstarter Thread

I have only had good experiences with logitech myself. Both times that I’ve spoken to support about an issue I’ve gotten a great, appropriate response (as opposed to a flowchart “reinstall drivers” thing) and have ended up with a 50% discount code for any peripheral in their webstore.

I use a G9X mouse myself since it’s perfect for my fingertip way of using a mouse. I have trouble finding an equivalent from other brands.

Actually I break one or two keyboard a year, and never by punching them, throwing them or spilling something on. :furious:

That’s why I now have two SPARE keyboards. *was three before mid-march

Medierra, do you have a lot of config (different processor, graphic cards, dvorak keyboard and OS) just to test/debug the game or the engine is stable enough it don’t matter anymore?

I was totally joking about getting keyboards in but thats really good news for you guys. Bet you cant wait to get your hands on your new goodies. :smiley: So this means that the alpha/beta/game will come out faster now with your new gear right? :wink:

Hopefully the keyboard comes with a usb3.0 adapter, allowing them to code twice as fast.

Wow those mice were popular, they were gone before I even knew they were there.

We need more rewards like this! :slight_smile:

So I wake up, doing the usual checking up on the GD Kickstarter, hopefully seeing it somewhe… Huh what? $200K already? That must have been quite a boost yesterday! Grats and now on to the $300K :cool:

Maybe professional uber-gear will boost development speed :wink:

I wish I could say the same. :frowning: The worst mouse I have ever owned was a Logitech G7 which gave me endless problems even after it was swapped out under warranty with a brand new unit. So I jumped shipped and now I have a Razer DeathAdder mouse and a Razer Lycosa keyboard and together they’ve been the best gaming combo I have ever owned! :smiley: Though I will admit Logitech’s generosity towards the GD KS has made me glad for at least still owning a RumblePad 2. :slight_smile:

Yay $201k! :slight_smile:

Out of interest does anyone know how many times the video at the top of the page has been viewed?

I turn on the computer this morning and the Kickstarter is over 200k. Woohoo! :smiley:

Finally got around to upgrading. I’m a little disappointed that you haven’t managed to achieve double your funding goal yet. Am I being too greedy for you?
I have no doubts that you will reach your goal at this point but it sure feels like things are moving slow :smiley: Must be that whole watched pot never boils thing.

Considering some projects I dont care about at all raised more in the first few hours on day one than Crate has in 11 days, I think its fine to feel disappointed for them.:frowning:

I try not to get too caught up in comparing the funding to other projects, that’s a road to disappointment in my opinion. Also for every wild success like Double Fine Adventure and Wasteland 2 there are probably 20 projects that don’t meet their goal and don’t get funded. Of course I’d love for the Grim Dawn Kickstarter to bring in millions of dollars of funding, but I’m just happy that it looks like it’s well on its way to meeting the $280,000 goal. With that said, I’m going to continue spreading the word everywhere I can.

I still think it’s the 15+ price for the game.
But I’m eager to see what will happen in the next days when the paychecks are out, maybe some more people will think about this game. I at least could convince one other person to pledge :wink:

Yeah but the thing is with 15 dollars most of those projects are just concept art, with random ideas which is fine. At 18 dollars you watch the video you see the combat and decide if it’s something you are interested in. I understand $3 is small but meaningful but with more than just ideas and actual work finished I think it justify’s that extra 3 dollars.

I’m not argueing wether it worth it or not, just sayin that casual buyers would probably be more interested in it as well. Gotta say, the 10 or 15$ price tag was what drew me to most kickstarters in the first place.
15$ still felt to me like a “can’t do anything wrong with this” price, but at 18 I thought “waaaait a moment, I need to take a closer look at this”. Well in my case it made me want to spend even more, but I assume a lot of people will rather dismiss it at that price, especially with Diablo III and Torchlight II in mind.
15$ feels to me like a quick and cheap way to support and get a game, 18 already feels like I’m making an investment.
The more the brain’s involved, the higher the chance of doubt, you know what I mean :wink:

I think people tend to forget that aRPGs in the vein of Grim Dawn, Titan Quest and Diablo is still a niche genre. Grim Dawn does not separate itself that much from similar games. Yes, the setting is uncommon and has some uniqueness to it, but it looks mostly solid gameplay, which in itself lacks the necessary oomph to set it sky rocking above the competition. This does not mean I think Grim Dawn will be one of the coolest games coming 2013 (the music alone is enough for me to buy the game), but in its current presentation it is not catchy enough for the general audience.

That said, I think the kickstarter project is coming along nicely. It will reach its goal, no problem. Hopefully double the amount too. When it hits release, I believe it is going to be the hit. I have the feeling word-of-mouth will give Grim Dawn the attention it deserves.

Good points! They might have also maintained that initial funding velocity a bit longer if say they had started this back around the end of the year when nobody knew for certain when either Torchlight2 OR Diablo 3 were actually going to hit the shelves. At this point almost everyone hungering for a dose of their favorite aRPGs knows they are around a month away from being able to pull a chair up to the buffet, and that has a higher priority access to the wallet in this economy.

My only reason for stating a bit of disappointment at this time was that they lost that initial funding velocity a bit faster than I expected so when it originally looked like they might hit their goals in the first week reality jumped in and made them coast a bit, only to probably hit their goal around three weeks in.

I’m still rooting for them to do MUCH better though. I would love for them to get the funds to be able to put features in this game that were high up on their dream at this point list.

Another thing to keep in mind is that we just recently had a couple of high profile Kickstarter campaigns end (Double Fine Adventure, Wasteland 2, not sure if Banner Saga was high profile, but it was very successful) and another couple (Shadowrun Returns, Make Leisure Suit Larry Come Again) ending in the very near future. People’s wallets are pretty much bled dry at the moment. I myself contributed to all those projects I mentioned in parentheses except Banner Saga. My hope is that in the 3 weeks or so that are left, with no other high profile projects around (none that I know of), more people will contribute to Grim Dawn once they pick up some paychecks and their wallets recover a bit.

Just to be the devil’s advocate… perhaps the slowdown in funding is that too much is given at the $18 price point…

If you do a little analysis of some of the recently successful and current video game projects, along with Grim Dawn, you can come to some interesting conclusions. The most successful tier of Double Fine Adventures, Wasteland 2, Leisure Suit Larry is the $100 tier with 36%, 19%, and 23% of the respective funds raised for each of those projects at that tier. Jane Jensen’s project and The Banner Saga at the $50 tier with 27% and 33% of the funds there. Shadowrun is most successful at the $125 tier which accounts for 29% of the raised funds.

Grim Dawn however, is mostly making funds at the lowest tier, with 22% of raised funds coming in at the $18 tier. While the project is comparable with the average amount given to the others (with the exception of the Jane Jensen project which is considerably higher), it appears to me, that for some reason, people are satisfied giving the lowest amount and are not committing at the higher tiers. The other thing that sticks out is that the number of the backers seems a little low compared to the other projects. Getting the word out and attracting more backers still seems to be the thing that needs to be done… so spread the word everyone!