Official steam deck support and rainbow filter

Just copying this from steam discussion I made…
Since new expansion is coming out and big updates are coming too then good thing to request is.
More compatibility with steam deck. The problem where the UI says its too big/small for it to properly show controller UI on steam deck. its still pretty playable but if the devs would just make it work a little better with official support. its really good to play on steam deck, but not having it officially UI supported for it is not the best. could be a simple fix maybe.

Also Please add rainbow filter to the default game. I’d say its pretty mandatory for the game to distinguish prefix and suffix properly, which suffix/prefix is rare or magic, etc or double rare without memorising affix names. I could not play the game without it. its such a perfect mod that it Has to be added to the base game to make it clearer for everyone. At least an option for people who dont want it or want it too.

Why do you need to know any of that? Just look at whether the stats for the item are what you want?
The game already marks double rares, so that’s not an issue anyway.
I’ve seen the screenshots of it and it looks very cluttered to me. I really wouldn’t want it. (If it’s an option I don’t care obviously)

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I disagree that the Rainbow Filter is mandatory, imho it looks disgusting and takes away from the clean uncluttered look the drops already have. Each to their own, lots of people love it and that’s what mods are for. My hope is that they never force this abomination on us.

I would be all for steam deck support, since that would mean making it run natively on Linux