
Hello Everyone,

Somewhat new player I only have 400 hours in the game currently, but this game is becoming my only obsession at the moment. I have three lv 100 characters that I’m working on, while I level another two lol. Too many fun builds and amazing gear to have just one am I right?

West coast player looking to play more online. Steam name is Faroff. I’ve cleared most of the world content minus mogdrogen ravager and the new ultra boss. I have farmed Lokkar set, but I’ve only cleared crucible on elite. I’m going to start ultimate soon, but crucible isn’t really my playstyle. I like doing the world stuff, old school loot runs and such, but the new endless mode seems fun.

I’m working on a pally tank to try to tank ravager & mogdrogen, but I still need some of the gear I have in mind. I’d also like to try a mad queen claw build as I think they’ve buffed it from some of the prior versions. Adding the IAS people were asking about, the double conversions, and the -%life on proc seems like it would be fun. Bah Grim Dawn is too amazing, thanks for reading and best of luck on the runs!!


Hiya Zarfelt and welcome to the forums, sounds like you’re doing well so far, sorry to say I’m an unsocial non mp player, but there’s quite a few mp players on here :smiley:

Welcome to the game and to the forum. :slight_smile: