Old sets to be updated to support Oathkeeper: Proposals

We know back when Ashes of Malmouth was released, a number of sets from the base game were updated to support Inquisitor and Necromancer. It is reasonable to believe that this will happen again. Here are a couple of proposals that currently only support two masteries and I think would fit Oathkeeper well:

Spellscourge. The theme is shield + physical Devastation. Oathkeeper already supports two of those things. We could now choose between physical Battlemage and physical Templar, and the elemental to physical conversion would help unify Oathkeeper’s fire damage to physical as well.

Justice: Physical and fire, the things Oathkeeper already does. Plus, it fits perfectly thematically.

There’s probably some good suggestions for the acid/vitality side of things, but I haven’t thought about that much yet.


EDIT: PS forgot the fact that we already know Octavius is getting the Oathkeeper treatment.

Fully expect Mythical Perdition and the lower level versions to get Oathkeeper bonuses of course :stuck_out_tongue:

I could maybe see Stoneguard getting something small like +1 to all skills in Oathkeeper somewhere like on it’s 2/3-piece bonus.

I would say Dawnbreaker but I can’t think of any sets that support more than 3 masteries as of now so not sure if that’s a possibility.

  1. Yeah spellscourge would be great on OK. My only problem is that it’ll totally outclass bmage if the set supports OK due to its ability to get 2 kinds of phys RR on its skill tree.

  2. I can’t support this unless Justice set gets a nerf first. Set is extremely spammable and can fit in almost every fire build you can imagine. Even if you don’t put OK support there it will still be used for OK builds cause that’s how it is.

I could see Markovian getting some OK bonuses that focus on getting tanky to ridiculous levels, such as giving more defensive stats to Ascension.

Of the acid/vit sets, Dark One’s Gift is probably the tankiest, so some possibilities there for OK. Most existing acid sets are pretty squishy, and Blood Knight is already covering a lot of masteries.

Markovian’s is one of the single mastery 5 piece sets (every mastery has one) so i highly doubt it would get OK bonuses (to say the least).

Ah yes, I always forget that it has an amulet. In that case, Octavius is probably the only thing getting Warlord support of the existing sets, since nothing else that’s soldier-centric really fits the themes of oathkeepers.

I can see the Justicar Guard set given support for Oathkeeper, and both the damage types and the overall theme of the set fits perfectly (as already said). Together with the already confirmed support for Octavius, it should be enough for Warlords, besides whatever new sets we will get.

Even without additional oathkeeper support, Warlord should be able to use Justicar efficicently. It would be huge for Shieldbreaker, tho. But I still think there should be some slight nerf to Justicar before FG comes.

Venomblade set could use some support for Dervish. With the autoattack converting all phys to acid, the set could be very viable for acid dervish.

Blood knight set could also use some OK support. Set already has a player-scaled pet with vit RR, while oathkeeper pet with transmuter has vit RR. I’ll totally make my first “pet” build with this.

This is one of the difficulties of adding new classes. Balancing new skills on old items which will be done again.

I’d also like scourge with OK

i think you mentioned all the “obvious” : Justicar, Dawnbreaker, Stoneguard and Spellscourge are very good candidates yes.

the others (if there’s any) are harder to guess, maybe Bloodrager, Venomblade or Warborn.

I think they should give some OathKeeper attention to some of the blue sets that are level 94. Currently they are mostly ignored and the distinction between blue and purple at this level is rather arbitrary imho.

Or redesign these sets to make them include Ok and more interesting. To me the distinction at this level has never made much sense.

But … quantity care is needed to avoid what happened in Ashes, where I think Crate and the playtesters got a little too enthusiastic about the newly introduced iquis or necro combos. Resulting in a significant amount of item changes/introductions having nods to these but ignoring other combos. This is especially noticeable with inquistor (lots of +1 to all skills with a skill tweak or bonus on a majority of every piece added and some older pieces).

Removing the inquisitor bonuses from this should be easy enough, they feel very much a last minute addition as it is. Outside of the semi joke counter strike build who uses this set anyway? Barely anyone will notice I bet.