Oleron's Rage (whaaaaaaaat?)

Hi everyone!

So… This caught my eye the other day while I was checking out this skill in the soldier tree…

Pierce damage %?! This must be a mistake? Right right?

I don’t see a single pierce stat in the whole soldier tree, everything with Oleron in it (devotions, components etc) seem to have physical % only.
So why on earth does this ultimate soldier skill give pierce instead of physical? :confused::confused::confused:

Perhaps Crate could change it to physical in

There is nothing wrong with Oleron’s D: The pierce damage is there as a cute little synergy bonus with nightblade. You won’t always have pure phys weapon weapon either, anything with armor pierce % will benefit in some minor way from it

When Oleron rages he gets confused

A legend in Cairn says that Oleron emits a ear piercing noise when he rages

While this was discussed to death when the skill was released, I’m not sure the exclusive level 50 mastery skills are the places to put cute little synergies with other trees that have nothing to do with the Soldier tree. Imagine if the Occultist Possession skill had a random +Elemental % damage instead of +chaos or +poison, it would look weird and feel out of place and those players that went deep into Occultist would rightfully feel a little robbed.

Since the other Soldier exclusive skill has +physical, I would simply modify a few of the existing soldier skills to have a piercing component or Oleron’s itself could also have flat piercing and the % can be lowered.

Thaaaaaaaaank you!

Really, putting pierce at an ultimate skill in the soldier tree so some hybrid class can get a benefit from it?
As Marcus mentioned, then let’s do it to the other masteries too!

I honestly thought this was a bug first, or that a mod I had changed it to pierce. Geez! :rolleyes:
And if they won’t fix it, I guess I’m happy that we can mod out those kind of silly things ourselves.

I would think using a Sword or Axe with the % Pierce on the base items would benefit from Oleron’s Rage.

I also believe that Stormcaller’s Pact has % Frostburn Damage which doesn’t exist in that Mastery.

Besides Dual Mastery options there is also Devotion to consider when it comes to Pierce Related Constellations like Assassin and Living Shadow. Then there would be Itemization/Components/etc… that can also provide pierce damage in some way.

So although strange to see I don’t really have a problem with added damage types that encourage the use of other mastery’s. Especially if they are powerful skills like Oleron’s Rage and Stormcaller’s Pact.

Oleron’s Rage’s Pierce Damage is pretty useful for Comandos and Blademasters.

Commandos can benefit from it with Canister Bomb or even Grenado to an extent, plus Temper also increases Pierce Damage even further.

Blademaster, I think I don’t even need to get in full details as to why it is useful…

Not to mention the Pierce conversion on Blessed Whetstone component, the Pierce conversion on weapons and constellations like Blades of Nadaan…

It’s all a matter of being creative with your builds. :wink:

the whole design principle is every skill / item almost always give stats split between multiple builds to encourage mix/match and build diversity. if it all support one thing it would be a no brainer.

Sure, but why not have both physical % and pierce % then? Just lower both values from the current pierce % to balance it out.

I was expecting an “oomph” effect here due to it being a final skill but instead it only catered to some specific hybrid builds (which I dont even play). What about the builds that don’t rely on pierce and rely on physical?
It’s not comparable to Stormcaller’s pact at all since that one buffs lightning/electrocute too.

Just disappointed that an “end mastery ultimate skill” (or whatever you want to call it) didn’t cater to the main damage type of the said mastery in question.

Soldier Mastery already has a ton of choices when it comes to % Offensive Ability and % Total Damage. Oleron’s Rage boosting % OA, Movement Speed, base and % Internal Trauma (one of the better DoT’s I’d say) is really good. Even more so since Soldier is pretty much pure cunning when it comes to damage types compared to most other Mastery’s.

I believe the older version of Oleron’s Rage used to be even more powerful which is why it was changed and then given % Pierce to offset it’s power with something that you’d need to invest in a bit to make more use of. Which again is easy with itemization/devotion/dual mastery/etc…

My example with Stormcaller’s Pact is that it includes % Frostburn damage which isn’t seen in the Shaman Mastery. That is exactly the same as a tacked on secondary damage type that you need to find another avenue in order make use of like Itemization / Devotion / Components / Augments. Oleron’s Rage is similar since the % Pierce isn’t emphasizing the skill as well but instead the Internal Trauma DoT / % OA / % Movement Speed are more connected to the Soldier Mastery.

Oh noes a skill has cross class synergy in a game where you are meant to dual class and most single class characters are god awful D:

Rage gives flat and % internal trauma which is one of the main damage types of soldier, on top of huge % OA bonus. It’s one of the best buffs in the games I don’t get why it’s a huge deal it has some pierce damage

Because that would make Oleron’s Rage way too good than it already is.

What about the builds that don’t rely on pierce and rely on physical?

They go Warder and go for Primal Bond.

I guess the issue is more visible for me since I play with mods and 26 masteries available where there are soldier builds that don’t use pierce/internal at all and extra OA shouldn’t be considered an ultimate skill, rather some passive along the way. I’ll take this up with the modders.

Apologies for creating this thread, but I forgot how extremely limited vanilla is so I was thinking out of a much broader perspective. Thanks for reminding me eralduspr.

Moving on… :eek: