Olexra's FF and mob CC immunity

Morning all, I went looking for answers to the following questions but couldn’t find any recent posts or websites (as in all the info I found was from 2019 or older) and sifting through thousands of lines of patch notes is out of the question…

Are the debuff’s baked into Olexra’s Flash Freeze only in effect when something is frozen?

Continuing, is there any way to reduce a mob’s CC resistance at all anymore?


A couple items do that (like 2)
one item set and one conduit amulet

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Thanks Chuck, you mentioned “set”. You’re not by any chance referring to “Mageslayer” are you? The set bonus seems to have changed and no longer reduces freeze resistance.

Technically 2 sets, but the one you’re thinking of is far easier to work with for a caster.

Unless I’ve missed something i don’t believe it has?

Everywhere I look the tooltip no longer says that it reduces freeze resistance. Rather it reduces freeze duration. I see it in grimtools as well.


This points to information being unreliable, and at the very least, tools like grimtools not being up to date or presenting inaccurate info.

It has always said this to my knowledge but it effectively functions as Freeze resistance reduction making enemies easier to Freeze.

For reference, the other set I alluded to besides Mageslayer with it is the Luminari Regalia.


Hmmm. This needs clarification as the wording taken as face value doesn’t describe what people are suggesting.

Can anyone confirm if in fact the set or any items for that matter still reduce CC resistance and not “reduce” duration?

resistance is about duration, it will reduce the time they are frozen by that percentage

If an enemy has over 100% freeze resistance, the duration is 0 sec
if they have 50% freeze resist, the duration is cut in half, and so forth.

Edit: Same goes for stun, petrify, slow and entrapment: resistance reduces duration.

Forgot about that one :slight_smile:

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“It’s always about duration
If an enemy has over 100% freeze resistance, the duration is 0 sec
if they have 50% freeze resist, the duration is cut in half, and so forth.”

Even if that’s the case, you don’t want a REDUCTION in duration as the mob’s resistance does that already - you’d want an increase.

Something is definitely screwy with the wording.

I think it’s best to assume what me and DeputyChuck are saying then. It would be odd if the bonus on a full Legendary end game set was a negative/made a skill worse with no notable bonus no?

It’s a reduction by a negative number… thus an increase in duration.

It’s weird I get it, but that the way the game’s language is set. almost all items increase freeze resistance, only 3 do the opposite. It makes sense to keep the same language but apply a negative value.

Ok, on closer inspection I see what is screwing with my interpretation:
“-20% Reduced Freeze Duration” as opposed to “20% reduced freeze duration”.

Yeah I know I’m being a bit of a grammar nazi here but it’s a double negative. Why they don’t just say “20% increased freeze duration” is beyond me.

It should be noted that there are screenshots with tool tips clearly displaying that resistances were reduced. I’m guessing the tooltip was changed because like Chuck mentions it was always about duration and not actually resistance?

This is confusing but w/e lol.

This is how the tooltip always was.

It’s related to how item/skill tooltips are generated. The same text is used regardless of whether the value is positive or negative, which unfortunately does get confusing in a few instances.

Addressing it would require opening Pandora’s box, so we’re very careful to keep the laws of reality in check.


My guess is it’s auto-generated based on values in-game. since most items tend to reduce freeze durations (for the player) it makes sense that its worded that way

it’s the same thing in that case

“Freeze resistance” and “reduced freeze duration” are the same thing since freeze only does one thing and it only has one numeric variable : its duration. therefore, resistance to something that only has a duration can only reduce it (or… technically could alter its chances of working at all… ever tried to cast doom on an end boss in Final Fantasy? )

Edit: Ninja’d by Zantai

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Thanks Zantai, pardon the hint of snark in my tone, I’m a stickler on communication (I work in IT and write a lot of technical articles).

That said, I could’ve sworn just this morning I came across a tooltip that described a reduction in resistance. I’ll go back to make sure I wasn’t mistaken (it happens).

Thanks Chuck, makes sense… or at least more sense than it did previously. :laughing:

I was hoping to make clever use of OFF’s fire reduction and full fire minions but that will prove tricky it seems.

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Yeah, I’ve been there too :slight_smile:

OFF, then fully-converted fire Judgment
1-2 punch same radius, nothing survives

In practice it doesn’t really work

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Back to the drawing board.

My hopes were dashed for that and my previous dreams of making a fire or chaos Drain Essence build that used Abomination and Dying God to amp up the damage… too difficult to pull off.

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