OMG, finally did it

9th attempt, RIPd previously on DW Pierce BM (4x), DW Pistol Puri (2x), 2H Tactician and Bomber Sorc (yikes)

I was really getting frustrated and almost gave up, but I happened upon @AlkamosHater’s awesome Phys Forcewave Warlord build and I felt I could work with that from the ground up. Never tried FW skill before and man is it awesome. Combine that with the tankiness of Warlord overall and it was actually a very smooth experience, I never felt in real danger at all. I did get lucky with the level 68 BP for the Justicar helm so I used the full set all the way to 100, was beautiful.

Also many thanks to @RektbyProtoss for all his awesome HC leveling guides and YT vids. His soldier leveling vid was what gave me the idea to look further into FW as a great skill to try.

Funniest RIP had to be the absolute curb stomping that Acedian gave my BM while I was cruising through Elite the day after the patch hit and I hadn’t read the notes yet. Wish I had recorded it, my reaction to running into him and getting smashed would’ve been legendary. :rofl:

Also thanks to Crate for giving me ~2000hrs of amazing fun and adventure, with many more to come! :+1:


congratulations! very good

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Congratulations! :partying_face:

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Congrats! :smiley:

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Nice and congrats from me!

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Congratulations !!!
Seeing you reaching that accomplishment in 2000 hours gives me hope. I have “just” 1200 but just started having fun with hardcore. Also having two kids in last three years slowed my progress quite a bit :stuck_out_tongue:
That’s why I love this forum… Because of the “ghosts” which don’t reply too often but still play the game and get to the point where you are forced to see them as veteran players :slight_smile:
Good luck for the rest of the fun with GD :slight_smile:

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Same for me, man. I’ve got 3 daughters and a very understanding wife lol. There’s always a balance to maintain between work/family and escapes like GD. I never thought I’d attempt HC (esp coming from an online game like D3 with a completely unreliable server) but this community convinced me otherwise, and now I’ve been rewarded with one of the best achievements the game could give me IMO.

Best of luck to you as well, it is definitely worth the effort.