On-Screen/Border Sunder Effect Toggle

Is there a toggle to disable the on-screen/border effect for Sunder. I don’t enjoy my screen getting obscured like this, it’s stressful to me.


there is not :pensive:
and there really should be :+1: , or atleast a way to scale it down/reduce it a (fair) bit, imo

Coming in 1.2.1.


Might not be completely relevant here, but since you guys can add these unique on-screen effects, can you please consider adding 2 more for Mirror of Ereoctes and Blade Barrier (maybe same effect for both) ? In the heat of battle, you can barely hear/see their active duration besides one tiny icon among many others, would be great feedback.

Seems like we will be able to toggle these off in future anyway so…

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When they add more similar effects, priorities will come into play. If multiple effects are displayed, which one should be on top? Or shall they be blended together, sacrificing clarity?

I would really like to see a toggle to fully disable the sunder mechanic, so I wouldn’t have to use a mod. My reflexes aren’t what they used to be, making the mechanic a death sentence at times.

You just have to use the mod, that mechanic is here to stay and will be even better in the next expansion

I’m asking for a toggle, not removal.

I’m afraid we are not going to add toggles for game mechanics.

Sunder is is significantly weaker on Normal and Elite difficulties, compared to Ulimate, or you can continue to enjoy the game without Sunder by opting into the v1.1.9.8 build (pre-Sunder version of the game) on Steam.


Me personally I love the new sunder mechanic. It adds another layer of depth to the gameplay and makes it to where you cant just sit in one spot facetanking and oneshotting everything (actually you still can it just makes it harder) requiring you to strategize a bit more and actually pay attention to enemy attacks rather than completely ignoring them. Like others have said I really recommend learning how the indicator looks like and just dodge away as soon as you see it. Even if you get hit by it you can just immediately dodge out to heal and wait 2 seconds for it to end. I would hate to see the mechanic nerfed or removed because of people complaining it’s too hard. It brings so many tense moments and raises the skill expression so it’s not as easy to just sit in one spot facetanking everything. Embrace the change man!

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