one-shots in crucible/hardcore balance

Strange, i farmed him a lot back in time with melee character and i’am sure he does it at melee range, i have been oneshot a lot of time by this :x

Please explain what you mean by that?
As far as I can tell, you have to buy the blessing before you know what the mutators are.

I am doing well with my 1H+Shield Witchblade so far. I had to stop after wave 50 on the third difficulty for time reasons. No reason to think I can’t do the rest of it.

The last 50 waves are completely at another level than the 50 first one.

If it was in fact a mutator that resulted in the difference between living and being oneshot, then that is a balance concern that needs to be looked into.

You don’t buy the blessings to counteract mutators, you buy them to boost yourself in general. Regardless of mutators, there isn’t any good reason not to use blessings in the higher waves of gladiator difficulty. In aspirant they shouldn’t be needed for an optimized character though.

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I didn’t have any trouble with the first 2 difficulties. I stopped after 50 on Gladiator. I will resume later.

wow, lots more replies than i was expecting

yeah unfortunately i don’t know what mutators were active

i figured it was just some serious bad luck, but it’s really dissuading me from trying again. i know hardcore is supposed to be a risky experience, but i didn’t expect anything like this on the first difficulty.

since everyone keeps talking about shotguns, mark of divinity and blast shield both protect against shotguns, and neither of them triggered, i just died instantly, which is what i’m confused about.

You don’t need to be confused about it any longer - design is such that if the damage is more than max(or current, not sure which) hp after reductions it will ignore “prevent death” mechanics.

that’s such shockingly terrible design that i don’t even know what to say

I get it. I’ll do the next 50 here in a little bit. We’ll see.

How is gladiator difficulty ? I’m still leveling my char but he will be max soon and then I will give the crucible a go but not sure what to expect near the end. I don’t want to die and lose my char.

Unless you think you can survive Iron Maiden or Mad Queen + a swarm of Obsidian Defilers + heroes + mutator mods buffing up mobs I wouldn’t try much past 50 or 60 in gladiator. Or you can always alt + F4 out. I haven’t seen Iron Maiden there yet, but I have seen Benn Jahr, Anasteria, Sharzul, Valdaran, Sentinel. I haven’t seen a nemesis or a sharzul show up prior to 50 waves. Doesn’t mean its not possible, but they’re way more likely to show up post 50 waves. Post 100 waves things get really nutty. I’ve seen sharzul + swarm of obsidian defilers + 2 boss mobs post 100 waves. Good luck.

seriously why would anyone alt f4 when all you have to do is hit escape and you pause the game. 1 button to stop you from dying has to be faster then 2.

Nemesis don’t spawn until wave 90 and the only one that does is Benn’jarr.

I never fought Zantarin untill now! Today I did the first dificulty with 2 characters. My blademaster with a wave over 100 almost got one-shotted against Zantarin. The only thing that most likely saved me is having 84% vitality resist.

I didn’t expect him shooting his barrage attack when using shadow strike/blitz.
The funny thing is it happened twice (like a noob :D). The first time I was too low to risk my build so I left to restart the first difficulty, the second time I was fine as my health didn’t go down as much and killed him :stuck_out_tongue:

Now that i know better about him i won’t try to charge right away as I see him. Also I always look up what is the boss/Nemesis when I see a skull in the map. Although it’s a good way to protect yourself, his damage might be a bit overtune.

They can all spawn together ? Like the mad queen with nemesis and lots of hard enemies all at once ?

I can facetank the madqueen easily and the nemesis but I really wouldn’t want her throwing spikes while benjar pins me and the rock monster things throw them super boulders at my face.

Yeah you can get multiple Nemesis + a ton of heroes etc

I have seen every big bad except the mad queen, just her noob lil sis Ravna

Yes, multiple bosses can spawn at once. Just did a multiplayer crucible, and we got wiped by Sharzul + Salazar + 5 hero mobs (3 obsidian defiler heroes) + a bunch of adds. I couldn’t kite them, because I kept getting pinned. Salazar put a sigil under me while I was pinned, then rage mode sharzul rushed up and clubbed me.

I’ve seen nemesis spawns before wave 90. Benn Jahr and Valdaran both. The first nemesis mob I saw in crucible was Valdaran, not Benn Jahr. I assumed it was just random. But I do notice patterns of certain mobs showing up in certain waves, but its still random to a certain extent.

Heh, funny. In the literal hundreds of times I’ve been to wave 90 it was Benn for me every single time. There is a level of randomness, but waves will always have the same predetermined quality of enemies with the same number of heroes, bosses, nemeses, etc.