Oops - defenses less self-sufficient than I thought

I love a good “oops, I really F*d that up” disaster.

Long story short I thought I had the approaches under control and wandered off for a half hour while leaving the game going at 1x. Usually no problem - half the time it stops itself on an immigration dialogue box or something.

Came back to the slaughter of almost 1000 people and the destruction of half the city, all while my rapid response force (~100 cavalry) were hanging out minding their own business in their stables.

Oops! Guess those castles weren’t as strong as I thought. This is going to be a slow rebuild.

The rat swarms feasting on all of the dead bodies is a nice touch. Never noticed that before.


Big oops indeed. Next time pause the game if you must wander off to do something else. :wink:

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Pause [SPACE] is the cleanest key on my keyboard, the one most used. :innocent:

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